唱國歌的英文 唱國歌用英語怎麼說?
sing the national anthem
sing the national anthem
常用 重點詞彙
1. 升國旗,唱國歌,少先隊員行隊禮,其他人員行注目禮,請全體敬禮。
Secondly, raise the flag and sing the national anthem. The Young Pioneers and all the others please salute.
2. 即使你喜歡培訓你的34只長尾小鸚鵡唱國歌也不意味著你註定適合做一名馴獸師。
Even though you may have enjoyed training your 34 parakeets to sing the National Anthem that doesn't mean you're cut out to be an animal trainer.
3. 唱國歌。 有請指揮梁慧嫻。
Sing the National Song. Our conductor is Liang Huixian.
4. 我們升國旗唱國歌。
We carry flags and sing songs.
5. 早晨,我們會聚集在廣場並唱國歌。
In the morning, we will gather at the plaza and sing the national anthum.
6. 主持人宣佈紀念活動開始,鳴70響禮炮、升國旗、唱國歌。
At 10 am, a 70-gun salute will be fired before the national flag is raised and the national anthem played.
7. 並且知道當你站在領獎臺上時,我們會唱國歌,甚至可能就在你身邊流下熱淚。
And know that when you get up on that podium, we'll be singing the National Anthem - and maybe even shedding a tear - right alongside you.
8. 而北聯代表則高調缺席所有唱國歌的場合,也不允許義大利國旗在隆巴底(Lombardy)大區議會升起。
Representatives of the Northern League ostentatiously absented themselves from all singing of the national anthem and refused to allow the flag to be waved in the regional assembly of Lombardy.
national anthem