不精確的英文 不精確用英語怎麼說?
inaccuracy n.不精密;不精確;不準確;差錯
inexactitude n.不正確; 不精密
常用 重點詞彙
1. 以過去的評估系統估價不精確。
Valuation under the old rating system was inexact.
2. 目擊者只能給出含糊而不精確的描述。
The witness could give only vague and imprecise descriptions.
3. 不精確的計算會使影象模糊.
Imprecise calculations show up as fuzz in the picture.
4. 地方的出口資料也非常不精確。
Local export numbers are also maddeningly imprecise.
5. 這種手術並不精確。
It was not a precision surgery.
6. 目標或計畫不精確的;愚蠢的;不合理的:
Not carefully aimed or planned; foolish or unreasonable
7. 看她的步法。不精確,卻十分輕鬆。
Watch the way she moves. Imprecise, but effortless.
8. 尺子的不精確給他帶來了很多麻煩.
The imprecision of the ruler gave him a lot of trouble.
9. 偏離一個標準的;不直的,不平的,或不精確的。
Deviating from a standard; not straight, even, level, or exact .
10. 不精確的預期結果使得錯誤更難注意到。
Imprecise expected results make failures harder to notice.
inaccuracy; inexactitude