用電話的英文 用電話用英語怎麼說?
by telephone
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我經常用電話與朋友們交談。
E. g. I often communicate with my friends by telephone.
2. 你可以用電話訂票。
You can order tickets by telephone.
3. 我們可以用電話與世界上大多數地區的人通訊。
We can communicate with people in most parts of the world by
4. 費爾德先生用電話談妥了那次買賣, 他比他所有的競爭對手都佔先了一步.
By settling the deal by telephone, Mr. Field had forestalled all his competitors.
5. 不適當的 ( 如用電話 ) 或不負責任的報價將被拒收.
An improper ( e . g. by telephone ) or irresponsible quotation may be rejected.
6. 如果你想用電話
You can use the phone if you want to.
7. 我很快用電話聯絡上了警察。
I was quickly connected to the police.
8. 芭芭拉用電話把訊息傳了出去。
Barbara had telephoned the news.
9. 如果你想用電話,請便。
If you want to use the telephone, by all means do.
10. 用電話通知最為省事。
It is the most convenient way to send a message by phone.
by telephone