溫飽問題的英文 溫飽問題用英語怎麼說?
problem of food and clothing
常用 重點詞彙
1. 基本解決農村貧困人口的溫飽問題只是完成這一歷史任務的階段性成果。
The basic solution to the problem of food and clothing of the poverty-stricken population in rural areas is only the result of one phase in our effort to accomplish this historic task.
2. 農民的生活水平不斷提高,大部分農民已解決了溫飽問題,不少農民已過上了小康生活。
The living standard of farmers has been raised continuously. The majority of farmers have enough food and clothing and quite a few farmers are well-off.
3. 在一個金錢和溫飽問題決定一切的國度,女孩被視為一件可有可無的商品。
In a society where economics and hunger drive most decisions, the girl child becomes a dispensable commodity.
4. 食品和農業組織說,東南亞的一些國家像泰國和越南已經在解決溫飽問題取得了不小的成就。
The F. A. O. says some countries in Southeast Asia like Thailand and Vietnam have made progress toward hunger reduction goals.
5. 總統將大量資金用於修建高速鐵路,但是減少用於幫助低收入家庭解決溫飽問題上的資金。
There will be more money for building high-speed rail but less for helping low-income families pay their heating bills.
6. 我國人口眾多,絕大多數人只是剛剛步入小康水平,有些只是解決了溫飽問題,更有甚者連生存都有困難。
Among the huge number of population in China, most are only stepping in well conditions; some are just eligible for living, while others are struggling for living.
state of having enough to eat and wear; food and clothing
question; problem; issue; matter; trouble; mishap; fault; crucial point; key; point (to be illustrated)