推薦書的英文 推薦書用英語怎麼說?
testimonial n.證明書;介紹信;推薦信;感謝信;感謝(或讚賞)表示;獎狀;紀念品;紀念賽
reference n.提及;談到;引證;資料引用;證明信;介紹信;提交;引文;遞交;引文出處
1. 一副善良的相貌是一封推薦書。
A good countenance is a letter of recommendation.
2. 一副善良的相貌是一封推薦書。
A good countenance is a letter of recommendation
3. 推薦書二份:應包括一份中國語文教師推薦書。
Two letters of recommendATion: AT least one recommendATion must be from a Chinese instructor.
4. 推薦書二份:應包括一份中國語文教師推薦書。
Two letters of recommendation: at least one recommendation must be from a Chinese instructor.
5. 推薦書二份(包括一份專業科目教師推薦書
Two letters of recommendation, one by a subject instructor and the other by a Chinese instructor.
6. 她的愉快個性已經是一份推薦書了.
Her pleasant personality is already a recommendation.
7. 因此fsf歐洲提出了上述的推薦書.
Therefore the FSF Europe issued the aforementioned recommendation.
8. 雖然我被解僱,但我希望能得到一份不錯的推薦書。
As I'm fired, I hope I can get a good recommendation.
9. 斯洛恩女士:在信中我已附上一些簽名推薦信。我還可以再寄給你我上兩位老闆的私人推薦書的影印件。
Ms. Sloan: I included the names of several references in my letter. I can also send you copies of personal recommendations from my last two employers.
10. 他有以前老闆提供的一分很好的推薦書.
He has a good reference from his former employer.