玉米餅的英文 玉米餅用英語怎麼說?
pone n.玉米麵包;玉米餅
hoecake n.鋤頭玉米餅
johnnycake n.玉米烤餅;麥麵餅
1. 有鹹牛肉玉米餅嗎這個好吃嗎?
Is the corned beef quesadilla, is that any good?
2. 玉米餅比小麥做成的餅有粗糙感.
Corn tortillas have a coarser texture than those made from wheat flour.
3. 玉米餅是用細玉米麵和麵粉做的.
Tortillas are made from finely ground corn or flour.
4. 我們的玉米餅片由每天新鮮訂製的玉米餅製成。
Our chips are made to order from fresh tortillas .
5. 這是玉米餅。
This is a corn pancake.
6. 把玉米餅放在一個乾淨的工作面上,把餡料放在一半的玉米餅上,邊緣留下3釐米的空隙。
Place your tortilla on a clean work surface, lay your chosen filling on one half of the tortilla leaving a 3cm gap around the edge.
7. 要做更多的加工零食,你可以用玉米餅做成“三明治”,甚至只要在玉米餅上塗些花生醬,餐間零食可就“搞定”了。
For more of a prepared snack, use the tortilla to make a “sandwich” or even just spread some peanut butter on it for a between-meal snack.
8. 我們這裡有貼玉米餅、小米粥和菜餑餑。
We have maize cake, millet gruel and vegetable pastry.
9. 我可以在這個城市買最好吃肉末玉米餅卷?
Where is the best place to get a taco in this town?
10. 炸玉米餅是可利用的有或沒有飛行線和酒吧。
The TACO is available with or without flying lines and bar.
玉米餅是以玉米粉、麵粉為主要食材製作的食品,口味甜,製作工藝為煎。 玉米餅的製作方法是把麵粉、玉米粉、雞蛋、酵母粉、糖放入盆裡,加入牛奶,用筷子攪拌成無顆粒狀的麵糊;蓋上保鮮膜,發酵40分鐘,用筷子排氣,順著一個方向將麵糊中的氣泡排出去;不粘鍋加熱,小火把玉米餅加熱至表面起泡泡,翻面再煎十幾秒即可。