國外市場的英文 國外市場用英語怎麼說?
overseas/foreign market
常用 重點詞彙
1. 在國外市場預售電影的方式取決於相關人才。
The way you pre-sell a movie in a foreign market is based on relevant talent.
2. \你在國外市場預售電影的方式是基於相關人才,\他說。
\The way you pre-sell a movie in a foreign market is based on relevant talent,\ he says.
3. 國外市場日益重要起來.
The foreign market was increasingly important.
4. 主要負責國外市場開拓 、 客商選擇以及市場跟蹤.
Responsible for foreign market development, merchant choice as well as market tracking.
5. 傾銷透過不正當競爭,以低於國內市場的價格向國外市場銷售產品。
Selling products, through unfair competitive practices, in a foreign
6. 那些產品在國外市場上的需求量很大.
Those items are in the greatest demand in foreign markets.
7. 繁榮興旺的國外市場是成功經濟的基石.
Strong foreign markets are the building blocks of a successful economy.
8. 跨國企業對國外市場和生產採取全球性方法.
The multinational enterprise takes a global approach to foreign markets and production.
9. 開啟我們產品和服務的國外市場:美國早已是世界上最大的開放市場之一。
Open Foreign Markets to Our Products and Services: The United States has long had one of the most open markets in the world.
10. 在國外市場享有良好的聲譽和口碑,深受客戶青睞,得到了國內外客戶的信任和支援。
Has the good prestige and the oral traditions in the foreign market, the depth the customer favor, obtained the domestic and foreign customer trust and the support.
overseas/foreign market