第一輪的英文 第一輪用英語怎麼說?
first inning
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他在美國公開賽第一輪中的慘敗。
His first-round flameout at the US Open.
2. 第一輪候選人不能參加競選。
First-round candidates were debarred from standing.
3. 阿布勞阿斯在盃賽的第一輪中就被淘汰了。
Arbroath were eliminated from the cup in the first round.
4. 在第一輪團體賽中他擔任過兩場比賽的裁判。
He had refereed two of the first-round group matches.
5. 該黨的唯一一位候選人在第一輪篩選中就被淘汰了。
The party's only candidate was eliminated at the first count.
6. 在第一輪測試中,他的隊伍大敗於澳大利亞隊。
His team were taken to the cleaners by the Australians in the first Test.
7. 他在第一輪比賽中就被刷下來了。
He was eliminated in the first round of the game.
8. 他第一輪輪空。
He drew a bye in the first round. / He had a first-round bye.
9. 那三名種子選手在第一輪比賽中便被淘汰了。
The three seeded players were knocked out/eliminated in the first round of the competition.
10. 莎拉波娃敗給一名義大利外卡選手,爆出比賽第一輪中又一個冷門。
Sharapova became another unexpected loser in the first round, going down to an Italian wild card player.
first inning