放棄夢想的英文 放棄夢想用英語怎麼說?
surrender one's dream
常用 重點詞彙
1. 當然,年輕的理想主義往往是勇敢的,沒有人喜歡放棄夢想。
Of course, youthful idealism is often courageous, and no one likes to give up dreams.
2. 這就對了嘛!永不放棄夢想。
That's the spirit! Never give up your dream.
3. 歲月使身體長出了皺紋,而放棄夢想
Age wrinkles the body. Quitting on your dreams wrinkles the soul.
4. 我想透過我自己永不放棄夢想的努力,來激勵和啟發其他的人。不管處境看起來如何地糟糕,不要放棄希望。
I want to motivate and hopefully inspire other people through my endeavors to never give up on their dreams and to never stop believing in their faith in God no matter how bad a situation may appear.
5. 把這個詞當做不要放棄夢想的理由似乎有悖直覺,但是失敗比你想象的要有用。
This word seems counter-intuitive in reasons not to give up your dreams, but failure is more beneficial than you might think.
6. 如果我們看得太遠而疑惑一切究竟怎樣才能成真時,我們可能會說服自己放棄夢想。
We can talk ourselves out of our dreams if we look too far ahead, wondering how on earth it could all come together.
7. 在演講中她會談論自己的生活,告訴每個觀眾人生需要有一個目標,決不能放棄夢想。
She talks of her life, how everyone should have a goal and tells her audience they should never give up on their dreams.
8. 如果說我們能從這些成功人士身上學到些什麼的話,那就是不要因為害怕失敗而放棄夢想。
If we can learn anything from these successful men, it would be to never give up on our dreams simply because of fear of failure.
9. 大多數人為了先成就事業及社會地位而苦苦奮鬥多年,因此他提醒年輕人不要因為缺錢而放棄夢想。
He also warned young people not to put off their dreams for lack of money, since many people spend years struggling to get their career and social status established first.
abandon; give up; renounce; relinquish
vain hope; wishful thinking; dream; cherished desire; dream of; vainly hope