好幾天的英文 好幾天用英語怎麼說?
several days
常用 重點詞彙
1. 翻來覆去想了好幾天後
after several days'deliberation
1. 暴風雨把船向西吹了好幾天。
The storm blew the ship west for several days.
2. 一連好幾天不見他的蹤影。
No sign of him has been found for several days. / We have lost all trace of him for several
3. 那個人有好幾天沒在村裡露臉了。
That man had not appeared in the village for several days.
4. 雨連著下了好幾天。
It rained for several days on end.
5. 幫他忙活了好幾天,到頭來還落包涵。
My help with him for several days ended up with his blame for me.
6. 兒子犯了法,弄得警察老子不尷不尬,好幾天不敢見人。
The policeman felt rather embarrassed by his son’s offence against the law and made himself scared for several
7. 醫生好幾天都沒有讓他出去。
The doctor kept him in for several days.
8. 他的腿實施牽引術已經好幾天了.
His leg was in traction for several days.
9. 過了好幾天,他們也沒找到出路。
After several days, they did not find a way out.
10. 結果,好幾天我們食慾減半。
As a result, we'd had several days of eating half rations.
several days