第一階段的英文 第一階段用英語怎麼說?
stage Ⅰ
常用 重點詞彙
1. 唐以前為第一階段。
The first phase is pre-Tang's dynasty.
2. 入門階段是阿特金斯飲食法的第一階段,也是最嚴格的階段。
The Induction phase is the first, and most restrictive, phaseof the Atkins Nutritional Approach.
3. 第一階段中,很輕易進睡也很輕易醒,這一階段中眼睛的活動很慢,肌肉活動也很慢。
In the first phase, fall asleep very easily to wake very easily also, the activity of the eye in this one phase is very slow, muscle activity is very slow also.
4. 在頭部和頸部區域性晚期鱗狀細胞癌患者中所進行的拉帕替尼聯合放化療的第一階段研究。
Phase II, open-label study of pazopanib or lapatinib monotherapy compared with pazopanib plus lapatinib combination therapy in patients with advanced and recurrent cervical cancer.
5. 父母認為它是孩子成長的第一階段。
Parents regard it as the first phase of children's development.
6. 工程的第一階段是加固外牆。
The first phase of the project is to consolidate the outside walls.
7. 生長激素在睡眠的第一階段被釋放到血液中。
Growth hormone is released into the blood during the first part of sleep.
8. 在第一階段,一次生活一天。
In Phase One, live one day at a time.
9. 在第一階段,將挖掘一條溝渠.
In the first phase a cut trench is excavated.
10. 第一階段為走向軍事幹涉階段。
The first stage is to head for the military interference.
stage Ⅰ