
Describe another language that you would learn if you wanted.You should say: the name of thislanguage how you would learnt

一開始可能去上輔導課attendcoaching lessons,因為基本的發音和語法需要弄準because I believe It is of extreme significance to ensure myperfectly accurate,after which I could gradually learn by myself之後主要就是靠自己學習,因為我覺得要想學好語言更多的得靠自己as I suppose that IF you want to be proficient in one language, have torely largely on your own effort,老師只是輔助supplementary what equipment offacilities you would need to study this language

教科書textbook likestandard jap/ everyone’s jap/,帶字幕的電影或動畫片subtitle are helpful,but the latter is hardER to find than textbook

and explain what difficulties you think you would have when learningthis language.

Centre on文化

日語本身不容易iscollectively believed to be hard,都說日語越學越難the DEEPER you learn, the HARDERyou may feel。因為日本是個非常講禮儀的國家JAP is a country which highly values social protocol/etiquette,反映在他們的語言上就是有很多敬語(this is reflectedin term of the sheer number ofhonorificform in their language),而且這些不同的敬語是根據動詞的類別來變換的these forms vary according to different kinds of verb, whichtheoretically doubled or even tripled the amount of vocabulary you have toremember,所以理論上說,有多少個動詞就會有多少種敬語,這和英語不同this differS from,而這是需要記憶和長期的訓練才能熟練使用的requires for a muchhigher standard of memorisation.
