
  留學英國在申請過程中會涉及到很多文書的書寫,其中就包括個人陳述(Personal Statement),並且個人陳述是必不可少的重要決定因素。下面是索引教育梳理的中國留學生易範的一些通病以及注意事項。


有的居然達到了1400字。Ps應該在800字左右,很多學校明確規定ps是300到500字,還有的學校要求是3500個字元之內。因此,除非特別要求,大家前往不要把ps寫得太長,否則你千辛萬苦努力的結果就是人家看也不看,仍進垃圾桶了。密歇根大學在其ps要求中提到的,你要follow required format and word limits。




Ps第一段應該以言簡意賅的語言精練地提出文章的亮點所在,開頭不宜故弄玄虛,不宜寫成抒情散文,應該開門見山。有的同學申請博士,還在第一段談起了初中的東西,並且語言非常不地道,翻譯痕跡非常重。比如這句However, my brave nature dominated and made me stand again to confront the unsuccessfulness.

另外,不要用第三人稱寫。有的同學這樣寫,“Hey, it works!” the little boy was swamped with a sense of satisfaction…the little boy, actually I, has been in love with the fascinating…個人陳述是寫個人的,不要站在第三者角度,否則那就是推薦信了。



很多人寫完第一段後,馬上就開始這樣的句式,Born in ……, Province in China on August 22,1980, after the National University Entrance Examination in 2000, I was accepted by XXX. Upon the acceptance, my major became… Here, I received strict training not only in …but also in…大家一定記住,ps不要去重複其它留學文書,比如推薦信和簡歷中將要出現的內容。不要都說,你以多少的成績考入了什麼大學,是什麼專業,然後開始列舉出一堆獎勵。我們看看康乃爾大學ps寫作要求A personal statement is generally most effective when it concentrates on:(應該集中在以下幾點時,ps才特別有說服力)這些方面是: an issue or experience that you feel strongly about, or one that has helped to shape who you are ;a significant accomplishment or contribution you have made to your field or community。你一定要去掉那些自我陶醉的、含糊不清的、過於抽象的東西,不要列舉你得到了什麼獎勵(avoid self-congratulatory statements vague, abstract ideals laundry lists of achievements jargon and specialized vocabulary)

另外,大家都喜歡介紹自己的學校,但是你的介紹的要具體生動,不要總喜歡用什麼prestigious和famous之類的話。有的同學這樣寫道, I went into a Univ. which won great reputation in telecommunication and IT field in China.什麼叫great reputation,有什麼具體概念嗎?.大家不用停留在介紹學校方面,應該通過這種介紹迅速轉入一點:你受到了high qualified的教育。

最大的問題,ps不要寫成流水帳,每個段落要有核心句子。比如有的同學這樣寫道。In the first year , I was just a discreet learner, following the teacher’s step steadily . The second year , leader’s work in student government cost most of my time ,so I tried to be more efficient 這根本就不是.ps,只能算回憶錄。請注意:你要把最重要的資訊放在段落的開頭和結尾(Put the most important sentences at the beginning and end of the paragraph. When people skim passages, they look at the first and then the last sentence. Make a good first and last impression with substantive statements. Don't begin or end on fluff.)


有很多同學這樣寫。First, My old dream played a key role in my decision-making,然後一大段介紹。Second, My solid academic background,然後下面再一大段。一直到第六個My Family background。還有的同學這樣寫。WHY IS MATHEMATICS? WHY ME?這絕對不是ps,千千萬萬要避免這種回答。如同華盛頓大學ps寫作要求中提到的Avoid overly common phrases and nonspecific information.(避免用那些太平常的片語或者不具體的資訊)。


Besides traveling to Taiwan, realizing the importance of experiencing the real world, in the past three years, I have grasped every opportunity to travel far and observe the dynamic society and economy of China.不要用同樣的句式,比如有的同學總是喜歡用impress deeply這樣的話,甚至一個段落中反覆使用,要麼就是不停地說intelligent。還有的就是句式雷同,Computer animation is my favorite and first choice,然後隔兩句就寫my primary and foremost interest lies in graphics and design。語言問題還有頭重腳輕。比如Most computer majors look over this task because they consider it too easy; nonetheless, I do not agree.實際上,語言問題還是小問題。你可以花100元錢請個認真負責的老外,找個學校的角落修改一下,一遍communicate what you wish to say。實際上,關鍵的問題就是內容設定和結構佈局。
