

How to prevent and self care

青年人應養成正確的性-心理 隨著生`理的成熟,青少年的性-欲和對異性的渴求越來越強。對此,青少年應形成正確的性心理和良好的性道德。積極接受正規而科學的性`教育,對人類的兩性以及異性的生理結構有一個科學的認識,消除對性的神祕感。同時,應避免過度的性`刺`激,為此,青少年應主動自制,如不看不雅的圖書、電視,不上不雅網站,見到或接觸`性`感的異性,不要胡思亂想,努力克服性`幻想的習性。 英文版 Young people should develop a correct psychological with physiological maturity,adolescent sexuality and desire to the opposite sex is more and more strong. In this regard, adolescents should form correct sexual psychology and the good moral. Active acceptance of formal and scientific sex education, sexual and physiological structure of human sex have a scientific understanding, eliminate the mystery of. At the same time,we should avoid excessive stimulation, therefore, young people should be active self, if not see the yellow books, television, not on the yellow web site, see or touch sexyheterosexual, don't make blind and disorderly conjectures, efforts to overcome theresistance of fantasy.

學會轉移注意力夢遺頻繁是年輕人對異性的嚮往所至,不應受到歧視。但是青少年應學會積極轉移注意力,將主要的精力從對性的關注上,轉移到其他方面。為此,青少年首先應樹立積極而遠大的理想,將主要精力放到學業和事業上。受到性`刺`激有極強的性的渴望時,應避免性`幻想,這時可以走到戶外,陶冶陶冶情操,或與好友聊聊健康的話題等。積極參加健康的體育與文藝活動,豐富業餘生活。 英文版 Learn to shift attention to nocturnal frequent is for young people of the opposite sex,should not be discriminated against. But the teenagers should learn to divert attention,will be the main energy from the attention, moved to the other side. Therefore, young people should first establish a positive and lofty ideals, will mainly concentrate onacademic and career. By the stimulation of strong sexual desire, should avoid sexual fantasy, then can go to the outdoor, edify edify sentiment, or with friends talk abouthealth topics. Actively participate in sports and cultural activities of healthy, rich leisure life.

建立規律的生活 青少年為了減少頻繁的夢遺,建立起有規律的生活作息習慣是非常重要的。如制定一個科學的作息時間表,依表按時起居學習和工作。以有規律的活動,充實生活,減少無事亂想的空閒,消除或沖淡性-渴望。晚間睡覺前,應用熱水泡腳,而不應用涼水洗腳。睡覺時內褲應寬鬆。上床時不要看不雅的東西,避免性-的刺激,克

制性的-幻想,不要撫摩下身。早晨按時起床,不要賴床等等。 英文版 To establish the law of life youth in order to reduce the frequent nocturnal emission,establish a regular living habits is very important. Such as establishing a timetable,according to the table personal time to study and work. Taking regular exercise, to live life to the fullest, reduce nothing like free, eliminate or weaken the sexual desire. The evening before going to sleep, with hot bubble foot, not use cold water to wash feet.Sleep should be relaxed. Don't look at the yellow things to the bed, avoid sexual stimulation, overcome sexual fantasy, don't touch down. The morning to get up on time, don't sleep.

克服恐懼和內疚感 對於夢遺的青少年來說,積極克服由於夢遺帶來的恐懼、焦慮和內疚,也是消除夢遺的有效手段。夢遺過後,大多青少年會因自責而拼命壓抑自己的慾望,以為這樣會減少或消除夢遺。其實這種做法往往會適得其反。因為你白天拼命壓抑自己的性-慾望,將自己的慾望壓抑在內心深處,但是根據弗洛伊德的理論:出現夢遺可用仙靈脾旭陽高緩解。夢是潛意識的顯現,是我們內心世界的真實流露。在晚間睡夢中,被壓抑的性-慾望就會自然流露,導致夢遺。所以,有時發生夢遺或頻繁的夢遺,青少年千萬不要有太大的心理壓力,應積極去了解性健康知識,掌握夢遺是一種正常的生理現象。減輕心理壓力,平衡心態,自我放鬆。克服或消除恐懼和內疚感,以輕鬆的心理去應對夢遺。

英文版 To overcome the fear and guilt for nocturnal teenagers, to overcome the fear, anxietyand guilt nocturnal brings, but also the effective means to eliminate the wet dream.Nocturnal later, mostly teenagers because of remorse and to suppress their desires,that will reduce or eliminate the nocturnal emission. Actually this kind of practice will often run counter to one's desire. Because the day you are to suppress their sexualdesire, will own depressed desire in your heart, but according to Freud's Theory: the dream is subconscious manifestation, is the inner world of our true feelings. In the evening sleep, repressed sexual desire comes naturally, cause nocturnal emission.So, sometimes, nocturnal emission or frequent nocturnal emission, young people do not have too much psychological pressure, should actively to learn about sex health knowledge, mastering dream is a normal physiological phenomenon. To alleviate the psychological pressure, balance the mind, self relaxation. To overcome or eliminate the fear and guilt, to ease the psychological responses to nocturnal emission.

與異性的朋友進行正常交往,學會自我疏導 在與異-性-交往時,應自然、開朗和坦率,應剋制想入非非和性-的衝動,避免情緒的過分波動,理性的對待異性。不能因見到異性就產生性-衝動而視異性-為“老虎”,不敢單獨與異性-交往或見了異-性就緊張。養成正確的戀愛觀,與女友交往時,自我剋制,以學業和事業為重。


For normal communication with opposite sex friend, learn to self grooming inheterosexual intercourse, should be natural, cheerful and frank, should have a maggot in one's head restraint and sexual impulse, avoid excessive mood swings, rationally treat the specific. Not because of meeting the opposite produces sexual impulse andas specific as "tiger", not alone with heterosexual contact or see the specific tension.To develop a correct outlook on love, with a girl friend, self-restraint, to academic andcareer oriented.
