



評分標準第五檔次的要求中提到,“詞彙方面有些許錯誤,但為盡力使用較複雜結構或較高階詞彙所致”。這裡所說的“高階詞彙”,指的是大綱中沒有列入或沒有識記要求,但在實際運用中卻出現比較頻繁的詞彙,比如frustration, awkward, awfully, concern等詞,都可以算作是“高階詞彙”。考生若能夠適當地運用一些高階詞彙,定會給評卷老師留下深刻的印象。

1. I can’t find any way to solve the problem.

改進:I can’t find any solution to the problem.

2. The pet dog is so lovely that almost everybody likes her.

改進:The pet dog is so cute that almost everybody likes her.

3. The question is really difficult to understand.

改進:The question is really confusing.

4. He had to face all the possible difficulties.

改進:He had to cope with all the possible difficulties.

二) 同義詞的使用

英語中有些詞的使用頻率非常高,比如interesting, clever等,在表達時大家都很喜歡用,這樣很容易令文章入千人一面的窘境中。但如果我們能夠使用它們相應的同義詞,就可以做到與眾不同,給評卷者帶來清新的感覺。例如:

1. It will be very interesting.

改進:It will be a lot of fun.

2. He was so clever that he could count all the way up to 100 at one year old.

改進:He was so smart that he could count all the way up to 100 at one year old.

3. Last summer I visited New Jersey with my parents.

改進:Last summer I toured New Jersey with my parents.

三) 適當利用短語取代單詞


1. Suddenly I had a good idea.

改進:Suddenly I came up with a good idea.

2. Take a moment to see what is happening around you.

改進:Take a moment to see what is going on around you.

3. Everyone should do his or her best.

改進:Everyone is supposed to do his or her best.



1. 2005 saw the successful launch of Shenzhou VI in China.(動詞see)

2. At the news of his death I was shocked. (名詞片語at the news of)

3. No one can enter the office without permission.(介詞片語without permission)

4. They returned home, safe and sound.(形容詞作狀語)

英語, 作文, 卷中, 中提, 君教,