
General 更新 2024年10月06日




  Some students like classes where teacherslecture do all of the talking in class. Otherstudents prefer classes where the students dosome of the talking. Which type of class do youprefer? Give specific reasons and details tosupport your choice.

  Model Essay範文:

  In my country, the lecture system is the most common system. It is the one I prefer for threereasons: I am used t the lecture system; it is an efficient system; I am too shy to talk in class.

  All my life, I have listened to teachers. They come into the room, open their books, and start tolecture. We students sit quietly at our desks and take notes. We never ask questions becausewe don’t want to seem stupid. At the end of the course, we are given a test. If we can repeaton the test what the teacher said in class, we will get a good grade.

  The lecture system is an efficient one. Te teacher is the one who knows the subject, not thestudents. It is a waste of time listening to a student’s ideas. What good will that does me? Timeis short. I want the teacher to give me as much information as he or she can during the classperiod.

  Even if we could talk in class, I would never open my mouth. I am much too shy. I would beafraid the other students would laugh at me and make fun of my ideas. I prefer to listen to theteacher and memorize the teacher’s ideas.

  I hope I can always study in a school where they use the lecture system. I think it is better tocontinue with what one is used to. I also think that there is a lot of information that I mustlearn in the most efficient manner possible. I wouldn’t want to interrupt a teacher with myfoolish questions.



  Holidays honor people or events. If you couldcreate a new holiday, what person or eventwould it honor and how would you want peopleto celebrate it? Use specific reasons and detailsto support your answer.

  Model Essay範文:

  October 24 is Union Nations Day. This day is noted in the calendars, but not observed as aholiday around the world. I want the entire world to celebrate the birth of the United Nationsbecause of its attempts to promote peace, education, and health around the world.

  Peace is the most important thing that we can have today. The sooner that we can stop war thesooner we can all have better lives. There are countries around the world that have been at warfor generations. In some of these countries, UN Peacekeepers have temporarily stopped theviolence so people can go about their lives. If this peace could be made lasting, the lives ofthese citizens would be much richer.

  The UN actively works to promote education. Universal literacy is one of its important goals.Every child in the world deserves to know how to read and write. The UN is also involved in jobtraining for adults. The age of information technology demands new job skills. The UN workswith continuing education programs around the world so workers are not left out of the jobmarket.

  The UN has played an instrumental role in the eradication of smallpox. Polio vaccines andAIDS-awareness programs have also helped reduce the incidence of these diseases. There isa lot to be done in these areas.

  Much of the work of the UN is unknown and underappreciated. If we want to live in a peacefulworld, where every child can attend school and where every citizen has access to health care, weneed to support the work of the UN. We need to recognize its importance and celebrate itsbirthday.



  A friend of yours has received some money andplans to use all of it either

  # to go on a vacation

  # to buy a car.

  Your friend has asked you for advice. Compareyour friend’s two choices and explain which oneyou think your friend should choose. Usespecific reasons and details to support yourchoice.

  Model Essay範文:

  Trying to decide how to use your money is always tough. Should you use your money to buy acar or go on a vacation? Both afford lasting pleasure, but of a very different kind. From avacation you get the pleasure of doing wonderful things and of totally relaxing and enjoyingyourself. The memories you bring home with you can give you that same pleasure again everytime you think of them.

  A car also gives you pleasure, every time you drive it. There’s the pleasure of not having todepend on public transportation. You can go places off the beaten track, where publictransportation doesn’t go. There is also the pleasure of being independent. You are able togo anywhere your car can take you, without depending on others.

  A vacation gives you the opportunity to learn new things and meet new and interestingpeople. However, it’s only for a short period of time. A car gives you the same opportunities ona smaller level, but on a more regular basis. With a car, you can go someplace new everyweekend. You can also join a car pool. That way you can share travel expenses with the newpeople you meet.

  Some people might say that spending your money on a vacation instead of on a car is beingimpractical. But nothing is as satisfying as a really good vacation. It’s mentally and physicallyhealthy. It gives you a chance to get away from all that is familiar to you and see the world froma new perspective. It lets you do nothing but play, the way you did when you were a child.Being able to play, even for a short period of time, is absolutely necessary for everyone’smental health. I would choose the vacation, because we all deserve to indulge ourselvessometime.


