
General 更新 2024年09月08日



  1. take the place of sb. 代替

  2. take the role of 扮演„的角色,起„的作用

  3. take the side of 和誰站在一起,偏向

  4. take turns to do sth. 輪流做某事

  5. take up 佔據,從事

  6. take up arms 拿起武器

  7. take with 帶著

  8. talk about 泛泛地談

  9. talk of 談到

  10. talk on 系統地談

  11. tea room 茶室

  12. tear down 拆卸

  13. tell lies 撒謊

  14. tell the difference between 分辨兩者之間的不同

  15. tell„apart 分辨

  16. tell„from 分辨

  17. tens of thousands of 數以萬計的

  18. thanks to 多虧了,由於

  19. that is 也就是說

  20. that is to say 也就是說

  21. the Communist Manifesto 共產主義宣言

  22. the day after tomorrow 後天

  23. the day before yesterday 前天

  24. the minute„一„ 就„

  the moment.. 一„ 就„


  1. the more „the more 越„越„

  2. the number of „的數量

  3. the other day 前幾天

  4. the public 公眾,民眾

  5. there is no doubt about it. 對此毫無疑問

  6. there is no help for it 沒得救了,木已成舟

  7. there 's no need for sth. 沒有必要

  8. there's no need to do sth. 沒有做某事的必要

  9. these days 現在,如今

  10. think about 考慮

  11. think of 思考,想

  12. think over 仔細考慮

  13. think up 想出

  14. thousands of 成千上萬的

  15. throw at 向„扔

  16. throw away 扔掉

  17. throw off 匆匆脫掉,扔掉,擺脫

  18. throw up 嘔吐

  19. tidy up 整理

  20. time and time again 一次又一次

  21. to be honest 誠實的說

  22. to make things worse 更糟的是

  23. to one’s joy 令某人高興的是

  24. to one's astonishment 使某人驚奇的是

  25. to one's delight 使某人高興的是


  1. take action 採取行動

  2. take along 帶著

  3. take an interest in 對„感興趣

  4. take away from 帶走,拿走

  5. take back 收回,帶回

  6. take care of 照顧,保管

  7. take charge 負責

  8. take down 拿下

  9. take exercise 做操

  10. take hold of 抓住,握住

  11. take it easy 放鬆,別緊張

  12. take measure 採取措施

  13. take off 脫下,飛機起飛

  14. take on 呈現

  15. take one's place 代替

  16. take one's seat 就座

  17. take one's temperature 量體溫

  18. take one's turn 依次,輪流

  19. take out 拿出來

  20. take part in 參加

  21. take photos 拍照

  22. take place 發生

  23. take possession of 擁有

  24. take sides in 偏向„一邊

  25. take sth in one's arm


