
General 更新 2025年03月10日



  1、Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.等待是一種痛,忘掉也是一種痛,但不知道該怎麼辦,是一種更折磨人的痛。

  2、When it has is lost, brave to give up. 當擁有已經是失去,就勇敢的放棄。

  3、I didn't stop loving you.I just decided not to show my love.我沒有停止愛你,我只是決定不再表現出來。

  4、“One of life’s gifts is that each of us, no matter how tired and downtrodden, finds reasons for thankfulness.” "生命賦予我們每個人能力,無論多麼疲倦或被踐踏過,我們都可以找到感恩的理由。”

  5、The most stubborn, is a man of heart. You can convince everyone, but failed to convince his own heart. ----- 最固執的,是一個人的心。你可以說服所有人,卻說服不了自己的心。

  6、No, There is not a thin line between love and hate. There is, in fact, a great wall of china, with armed sentries posted every 20 feet between love and hate.不,愛恨之間並不是一線之隔。事實上,愛與恨之間是一道長城,每隔20英尺還站著武裝的哨兵。——豪斯醫生

  7、Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be. 每一天都是一個嶄新的開始,當如此對待。不要再糾結於過去,想想現在能做點什麼吧。

  8、Just like a shoe. If someone is meant for you they will just fit perfectly. No forcing, no struggling and no pain.——就像鞋一樣,如果一個人註定是你的,他就會完全合適你,沒有勉強,沒有掙扎,也沒有痛苦。

  9、To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic. 為了被愛而愛是人性,而為愛而愛是神性。

  10、If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t, nothing can make him stay.如果他愛你,沒人能妨礙他靠近;如果他忘情,也無力去阻止他離去。

  11、Hope my warm "Hello" will brighten up your Day. 讓我的溫暖的問候照亮你的世界問候日。

  12、Happiness, never shortcut, also not perfect, only to run, only by the heart.——幸福,從沒捷徑,也沒有完美無瑕,只有經營,只靠真心。

  13、Take me to your heart, take me to your soul, give me your hand before I’m old. 將我留存心間,與你的靈魂相伴,給我你的手,在我老去之前。

  14、Love is like the wind, I can't see it,but I can feel it. 愛就像一陣風,雖然看不到,但卻能感覺得到。

  15、Develop your own compass, and trust it. Take risks, dare to fail, remember the first person through the wall always gets hurt. 找到自己的方向,並相信它。願意冒險,敢於承擔失敗,要記得第一個破牆而出的人總會受點傷。

  16、Don't angry people are idiot, and not to be angry is a wise man.不能生氣的人是笨蛋,而不去生氣的人才是聰明。

  17、We can't judge a person by what he says but by what he does. 判斷一個人,不聽言語看行動 。

  18、Single, doesn’t mean that u know nothing about love. In fact, being solely is wiser than being in a wrong relationship. 單身,並不意味著你不懂得愛。事實上,單身卻比錯愛明智的多。

  19、We must face tomorrow, whatever it may hold, with determination, joy, and bravery. 無論明天怎樣,我們都要帶著決心、快樂和勇氣去面對。

  20、Sometimes, you are about to burst into tears and you don't even know why.有時候,會有種想哭的衝動,卻又不知道為什麼。


  1.You don't have much good, I like it.你不用多好,我喜歡就好。

  2.Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,因為你不知是誰會愛上你的笑容。

  3.Try to make you laugh but lost the cry for you費盡心思逗你笑,卻輸給了那個讓你哭的人。

  4.I know I do not leave you, so I utter not a single word 我深知我留不住你,所以我不言不語。

  5.I thought love can fulfill the dissatisfaction of life.However, it is love that produces more regret.我以為愛情可以填滿人生的遺憾,然而,製造更多遺憾的,卻偏偏是愛情。

  6.ln fact I am very cold,just to be your gentle.其實我很高冷,只是待你溫柔。

  7.No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.沒有人值得你流淚,值得讓你這麼做的人不會讓你哭泣。

  8.Remember my good, or remember me.記住我的好,或記住我就好。

  9.I'm always following behind you其實,我一直都在你身後,只差你一個回頭。

  10.When you watch the scenery from the bridge, the sightseer watches you from the balcony. The bright moon adorns your window, while you adorn another’s dream.你站在橋上看風景,看風景的人在樓上看你。明月裝飾了你的窗子,你裝飾了別人的夢。

  11.You can cry,But you can not lose。你可以哭,但不能輸。

  12.As more and more people leave you, the more and more important those who remain become 因為離開你的人越來越多,所以留下來的人就越來越重要。

  13.If I don't care, you can't hurt me. 如果我不在乎,那麼你傷不到我。

  14.Don’t give up, just be you, cause life's too short to be anybody else.不要放棄做自己,因為人生很短根本沒時間模仿別人。

  15.When everything is gone with the wind,when all those special moments into eternity.當一切都隨風而逝的時候,那些特別的瞬間都成了永恆。

  16.At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.當碰到了愛情,每個人都成了詩人。

  17.For the rest of my life to love you.傾盡餘生,只為愛你!

  18.Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past.如果你不必糾纏過去,那麼回憶是一件美好的事情。

  19.Some of us think holding on makes us strong but sometimes it is letting go.有的人認為堅持會讓我們變得更強大,但有時候放手也會。

  20.Some people have been very lucky to meet you.有些人是光,遇見就很已經很幸運。

  21.Somethings we couldn't understand when we were young; when we finally understood, we are not young anymore 有些事情,當我們年輕的時候無法懂得,當我們懂得的時候已不再年輕。

  22.I like to feel his eyes on me when i look away.我喜歡我望向別處時,他望向我的目光。

  23. Always said after the later, to the later, we have no later. 老是說著以後以後,到了那個以後,我們都沒了以後。傷感簽名薇新ymg366

  24.You were never mine to lose.你從來就不屬於我,談不上什麼失去。

  25. I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you.遇上一個人要一分鐘的時間,喜歡一個人只需一小時的時間,愛上一個人要一天的時間,可要忘記你卻要用上一生的時間。

  26.Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.與其在天堂為僕,不如在地獄為主。

  27.You will never have what you like until you learn to like what you have. 欲得到你喜歡的東西,必須先學會喜歡你已有的東西.

  28.Life, half is memory, half is to continue.生活,一半是回憶,一半是繼續。

  29.Life never stops pushing forward. Stay focused and never slow down with regrets. Smile, forgive, forget, and keep moving!生活從來都不會停止推你向前,保持專注,別因為後悔而放慢腳步。微笑,原諒,遺忘,然後繼續向前!

  30.You have to be hard now, hard so nothing can ever touch us.你要變強,讓別人無法傷害我們。
