
General 更新 2025年03月04日


  關於英語故事短文:Golf Like a Girl

  He was in his 60s. He was short, fat, and arrogant. He was the plant manager, the supervisor, the boss! His name was Tom. He relished every minute of his power. He yelled at the employees. He called them names. He smoked daily, even though it was against the law to smoke in the workplace. He didn’t care. As the license plate on his car said, he was The Boss.

  California is an “at will” state. That means that your employer can let you go for no reason ***“You’re fired!”*** or almost any reason ***"You’re fired because you’re too tall!”***. You can take your firing to court if it involves discrimination—sexism, racism, or ageism. However, even if you were discriminated against, proving it in court is difficult.

  Tom considered himself a macho man. He did not know that his employees considered him a jerk. They made fun of him behind his back. They called him Tommy Troll because he was short and mean and had no manners. Never once had anyone heard Tom use the words Please, Thank You, Excuse Me, or I’m Sorry.

  Everyone wanted to attend his funeral. But that wasn’t going to happen soon. After his last physical, he presented his blood test report at a weekly staff meeting. Every item on that report was within the acceptable range. “The doctor said I'll live to be 100,” he said proudly, immediately depressing most of the employees.

  Tom played golf every Sunday with some other supervisors. He was a bad golfer, but he thought he was good. He liked to joke around and make fun of other golfers. On the first tee last Sunday, Tom joked about a golfer who had just teed off: “Look at that guy. He swings like a girl.” Tom laughed heartily at his own joke. His buddies were silent.

  “What did you say?” asked the golfer angrily. He had overheard Tom’s remark. He was a mean-looking man.

  “Uh, nothing,” Tom said.

  “Yes, you did. You said I swing like a girl. Now I’ve got something to say. You apologize like a good little girl, or I’ll give you a fresh knuckle sandwich.”

  In front of his golf buddies, Tom meekly apologized. After only nine holes, during which Tom was unusually quiet, he excused himself and went home. He said he had a headache. But his friends thought it was shame that was eating at him. The next day, Tom was still upset. He told Bill to report to his office. He had never liked Bill. He always wondered why he had hired him in the first place.

  “I’m letting you go. I don’t need you here. Your last day is Friday."

  Bill wasn’t surprised. Saying nothing, he spat on Tom’s desk and walked out.

  關於英語故事短文:Collecting Seashells

  Maria and Lisa were best friends. They shared a two-bedroom apartment in Hollywood. Maria was a clerk at a clothing store, and Lisa was a clerk at a supermarket. Their hours varied, so they didn’t get to spend a whole lot of time together. But last weekend both were off work. “Let’s go to the beach,” suggested Maria.

  “That’s a good idea,” agreed Lisa. “Which one?”

  “Well, I would prefer an uncrowded beach, because I think I’ve put on a few pounds recently. I don’t want any boys seeing my fat.”

  “Oh, please,” said Lisa. “You eat so little. Ounces don’t turn into pounds. How about Zuma Beach? That’s pretty far north of Santa Monica Beach, so it’s just right—not too crowded and not too empty.”

  “That sounds good,” said Maria.

  The drive to the beach took more than an hour. When they got there, the hot and sunny Hollywood weather had become cool, windy, and overcast beach weather. Both of them had been to the beach many times before, so they were not surprised by the change in weather. They put on their jackets, shoes, and socks, and headed north to hunt for seashells.

  Within an hour they had collected about 20 beautiful shells into a plastic bag. They were still walking slowly north when they heard a roar. They turned around to see a four-wheel All Terrain Vehicle coming rapidly toward them. The driver braked at the last moment. Sand flew onto the two girls. They both screamed.

  The driver was wearing a jacket that said Beach Patrol. He got off the ATV and started yelling at them. “What are you two doing here? Can’t you read? The signs say Private Property. They say No Trespassing. Get out of here before I write you a ticket and have you arrested.”

  “What’s your name?” Maria stood defiantly. “I’m going to report you to the police. You’re not a real patrol officer. This is a public beach. Those signs are phony signs put up by homeowners who think they own the beach.”

  “My name is John Smith. Report me to whoever you want. Now get out of here or you’ll be sorry.”

  “You can’t make us leave. This is a public beach!” yelled Maria.

  The man got back onto his ATV and started driving in circles around the women. The ATV was spraying sand and water all over them. He was laughing. They started running back south. When the ATV driver saw that they were leaving, he drove off.

  “John Smith. A phony name to go with a phony uniform,” said Maria when they slowed down to a walk. “We’re going to the police station and make a complaint. I hope they put him in jail.”

  A few minutes later, Lisa asked, “Where are the shells?”

  “Oh, gee, in all the excitement I left them back there. I’m sorry.”

  “No problem,” replied Lisa. “There’s plenty of seashells in the sea.”

  “Yeah, just like there’s plenty of jerks on the shore.”

  關於英語故事短文:Car Shopping in California

  Bert, 25, went car shopping in Corona. After talking to a salesman inside the Chevrolet showroom, Bert went outside with him to look at some cars in the lot. After half an hour, Bert found a blue Camaro that he really liked. He went with the salesman for a test drive. He liked driving the car as much as he liked looking at it. When they returned, the salesman went inside to start the paperwork.

  Bert lingered outside to enjoy a cigarette. He turned on his iPod and lit up a Marlboro. Five minutes later he finished his smoke, turned off the music, and started back inside.

  Just then, he heard two loud sounds—one right after the other. Both sounds were caused by falling human bodies. Two small Cessna airplanes had just crashed 1,000 feet overhead. One body made a loud cracking sound as it went through the roof of a new Corvette. The other body landed on the back end of Bert’s Camaro. At about the same time, an engine from one of the planes crashed through the roof of the showroom. It killed the district manager of the dealership, who was on the phone ordering a pizza.

  Thinking it was an earthquake, the salesman ran out of the building. When he saw Bert, he asked him for a cigarette. “I quit smoking last month,” he said to Bert. Bert told him about the fallen bodies. They both walked over to look at the corpses. Bert told the salesman how sad he felt for the dead people and their families.

  After a short pause, the salesman said, “You know, we can fix this Camaro for you. It’ll look like new.”

  “Really? For how much?” Bert asked.

  “Not much, not much at all,” the salesman replied. Just then, a police car, a fire truck, and an ambulance pulled up. A police officer told Bert and the salesman to move away from the wreckage, but to stick around for questioning.

