red bean paste
sweetened bean paste
豆沙鍋餅 Mashed sweet red bean cake
豆沙春捲 spring roll ; sweet spring rolls
豆沙餅 Red Bean Pastry
1. When you make coleslaw or potato salad, use light or non - fat mayonnaise.
當你做涼拌捲心菜或者土豆沙拉, 用低或者無脂的蛋黃醬.
2. However, the traditional ones of bean - paste filling egg yolk remain popular.
然而, 傳統的鹹蛋黃豆沙餡的月餅還是受歡迎的.
3. Combine together the bean paste with black sesame and honey.
4. Yam Paste Dumplings, another dumpling dessert beside the red bean paste.
芋泥小籠包,除了豆沙小籠包以外, 另一道特色甜品.
5. While other times, the more traditional red bean paste may be used.
6. The cookie made a great potato salad the other day.
7. I liked the potato salad at the picnic.
8. The beans need to be mashed into pulp.
9. Because anyone who's eaten the sun - baked potato salad can tell you food poisoning is no picnic.
10. There is different stuffing, such as paste, preserved fruit, paste, nut let and ham.
裡面的餡兒也不一樣, 有蓮蓉 、 果脯 、 豆沙 、 果仁、火腿等等.
11. I'd like to something light , the baked chicken and a side of potato salade.
我要一些口味清淡的, 燻雞和一碟土豆沙拉.
12. Our signboard products: pearl milk tea, green been slush, and ice orange tea.
本店招牌: 珍珠奶茶 、 綠豆沙 、 招牌冰桔茶.
13. Finally, I choosed rice dumplings with sweetened bean paste, which is my favorite.
最後我選擇了豆沙的, 因為這是我的最愛.
14. Shit , so I decide, that I'd wait to see how the bean - paste Tun meets his end.
老子決定了, 也要看看豆沙吞是怎麼終結的.
15. Red bean paste cake created in the late Qing Dynasty, from peas, gardenia, made of persimmon.
豆沙糕創制於清末, 由豌豆 、 梔子 、 柿餅製成.