
General 更新 2025年03月04日




  網 絡need some flowers


  1. It can take time and effort to match buyers and sellers. 給買賣雙方牽線可能需要一些時間和工夫。

  2. The essays could do with a flash of wit or humor. 這些散文需要一些出其不意的風趣或幽默。

  3. The government wants figures that help it to plan ahead. 政府需要一些有助於其提前制訂計劃的資料。

  4. I've ordered some flowers from the florist's. 我向花店訂購了一些花。

  5. I think you need some heavy-duty advice. 我想你需要一些有分量的意見。

  6. He made amends for his rudeness by giving her some flowers. 他送給她一些花,為他自己的魯莽賠罪.

  7. He brought her some flowers, hoping to curry favor with her. 他給她帶來了一些花, 想討好她.

  8. I've brought some flowers to brighten the place up a bit. 我帶來一些花,把這裡裝點一下.

  9. Female seals are needed for the breeding programme. 這項繁殖計劃需要一些雌海豹.

  10. I need some children's crayons. 我需要一些兒童蠟筆.

  11. Take her some flowers. 給她帶一些花去.

  12. Kehr cut off some flowers from the bush. 凱爾從樹叢中剪下一些花.

  13. She freshened up the room with some flowers. 她用一些花使房間鮮亮起來.

  14. We need a little something to help sometimes, to uplift us and make us feel better. 有時候,我們需要一些小東西來激勵自己,使自己感覺更好。

  15. Relax, kid, we're not about to roust you. We just want some information. 別緊張,孩子,我們不會為難你的。我們只是需要一些資訊。

  16. It will take a little time for the rain to sink into the dried earth. 要使雨水滲入乾燥的土地需要一些時間.

  17. Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task. 別忘了她缺乏這方面的經驗,完成任務還需要一些時間。

  18. We will restore her to health but it may take time. 我們會讓她恢復健康,但可能需要一些時間。

  19. You will need the time to orient yourself to your new way of eating. 你還需要一些時間才能適應新的飲食方式。

  20. Everyone needs some free time for rest and relaxation. 每個人都需要一些休息和放鬆的自由時間。

  21. They learn well but seem to need time to digest information. 他們學得不錯,但似乎還需要一些時間來消化資訊。

  22. The girl needs some sweet water. 那姑娘需要一些淡水。

  23. The problem is that being a thief actually takes some skill. 問題是,當小偷確實需要一些技巧.

  24. I need some new clothes for hot weather. 我需要一些熱天穿的新衣服.

  25. We need some lead in order to do this kind of test. 為做這種試驗我們需要一些鉛.

  26. Pat picked some flowers to put in a vase. 帕特摘了一些花放到了花瓶裡.

  27. I need some good photos for my advertising, Mr. Stewart. 我做廣告需要一些好照片, Stewart先生 .

  28. A few flowers peep out in February. 有一些花在2月開放.

  29. I need some financial support for this venture. 我需要一些財務贊助來興辦這一企業.

  30. We need some boil water. 我們需要一些開過的水.
