
General 更新 2025年03月06日



  Parents who spend time and money to teach their children music, take heart -- a new Canadianstudy shows young children who take music lessons have better memories than theirnonmusical peers。


  The study, published in the online edition of the journal Brain, showed that after one year ofmusical training, children performed better in a memory test than those who did not take musicclasses。


  "The research tells us that if you take music lessons your brain is getting wired up differentlythan if you don't take music lessons," Laurel Trainor, professor of psychology, neuroscience andbehavior at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, said。


  "This is the first study to show that brain responses in young, musically trained and untrainedchildren change differently over the course of a year," said Trainor 。


  Over a year they took four measurements in two groups of children aged between four and six -- those taking music lessons and those taking no musical training outside school -- and founddevelopmental changes over periods as short as four months。


  The children completed a music test in which they were asked to discriminate betweenharmonies, rhythms and melodies, and a memory test in which they had to listen to a series ofnumbers, remember them and repeat them back。


  Trainor said while previous studies have shown that older children given music lessons hadgreater improvements in IQ scores than children given drama lessons, this is the first study toidentify these effects in brain-based measurements in young children。


  She said it was not that surprising that children studying music improved in musical listeningskills more than children not studying music。


  "On the other hand, it is very interesting that the children taking music lessons improved moreon general memory skills that are correlated with nonmusical abilities such as literacy, verbalmemory, visiospatial processing, mathematics and IQ," she said。



  A person who compares the annual earnings of college and high school graduates would nodoubt conclude that higher education is a good investment—the present value of the collegeearnings premium the better part of $1 million seemingly far outdistances college costs, yielding a high rate of return. But for many, attending college is unequivocally not the rightdecision on purely economic grounds.


  First of all, college graduates on average are smarter and have better work habits than highschool graduates. Those who graduated from college were better students in high school, forexample. Thus, at least a portion of the earnings premium associated with college has nothingto do with college per se, but rather with other traits.


  Second, a goodly proportion more than 40 percent of those attending four-year colleges full-time fail to graduate, even within six years. At some colleges, the dropout rate is strikinglyhigher. While college students sometimes still gain marketable skills from partial attendance, others end up taking jobs that are often given to high school graduates, making little moremoney but having college debts and some lost earnings accrued while unsuccessfully pursing adegree.


  Third, not everyone is average. A non-swimmer trying to cross a stream that on average isthree feet deep might drown because part of the stream is seven feet in depth. The same kindof thing sometimes happens to college graduates too entranced by statistics on averages. Earnings vary considerably between the graduates of different schools, and within schools, earnings differ a great deal between majors. Accounting, computer science, and engineeringmajors, for example, almost always make more than those majoring in education, social work, or ethnic studies.


  Fourth, the number of new college graduates far exceeds the growth in the number oftechnical, managerial, and professional jobs where graduates traditionally have gravitated. As a consequence, we have a new phenomenon: underemployed college graduates doingjobs historically performed by those with much less education. We have, for example, more than 100, 000 janitors with college degrees, and 16, 000 degree-holding parking lot attendants.


  Does this mean no one should go to college? Of course not. First of all, college is more thantraining for a career, and many might benefit from the social and non-purely academicaspects of advanced schooling, even if the rate of return on college as a financial investment islow. Second, high school students with certain attributes are far less likely to drop out ofschool, and are likely to equal or excel the average statistics.


  Students who do well in high school and on college entrance exams are much more likely tograduate. Those going to private schools may pay more in tuition, but they also have lowerdropout rates. Those majoring in some subjects, such as education or one of the humanities, can sometimes improve their job situation by double majoring or earning a minor in, say, economics.


  As a general rule, I would say graduates in the top quarter of their class at a high-quality highschool should go on to a four-year degree program, while those in the bottom quarter of theirclass at a high school with a mediocre educational reputation should not opting instead foralternative methods of credentialing and training.


  Those in between should consider perhaps doing a two-year program and then transferring to afour-year school. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, but it is important for us to keepin mind that college is not for everyone.

