
General 更新 2025年03月25日




  when the GREek ships reached the trojan land at the outbreak of the war,a prophet declaredthat the first greek setting foot on the enemy soil was doomed to die .protesilaus,a greekchief,seeing that there was a gooddeal of hesitation among his comrades,leapt overboardand fellinstantly,pierced through by hector''s spear .when his wife laodamia heard of this shewas simply inconsolable .she offered rich sacrifice to the gods and begged zeus to restoreherslaughtered lord to her.moved by her fidelity ,zeus sent hermes to escort the shade ofprotesilaus back to the upper air tostay with his wife for three hours.laodamia''s joy knewnobounds when she held her slain lord once more in her arms.protesilaus told her the story ofhis selfsacrifice,and laodamiawas happy to become a bride for a secondtime.however,shegave a sharp cry when she saw hermes coming at the fixed hourto takeprotesilaus back to the lower world.so sad was she at the second parting that she died ofgrief not long after.the pairwere reunited in hades.





  arethusa was once a fairy maiden huntress.she carriedbow and arrows for artemis in herhunting.she was sodevoted to her work that she cared for neither admirationnor love.onesunny summer day,she felt hot and found a coolstream quite attractive.she jumped into thedelightful streamand happily started swimming.presently she heard a bubbling in the streamand was surprised to find it was the thunderingvoice of the rivergod alpheus.the maiden madefor the shore and,fully naked,started running away.taking a human form,the river-godfollowed closely in pursuit .onward they spedover hill and valley,across dark heights and overbroad plains,until the waters of the western sea lay stretched out right before them.helplessly the exhausted arethusa cried to her patronessfor help.artemis instantly cast acloud over her body,but the pigheaded alpheus was not to be tricked.then a cold sweatbrokefrom the maiden''s arms and legs.the drops of water fellfrom all over her body.she had beenturned into a spring!alpheus recognized her new form and presently took his formershape tojoin with arethusa and enjoy her company.artemisthen broke the ground and arethusa sankdown and flowed all the way through the under world from southern GREece to sicily .she roseup again at syracuse,only to find that therivergod had endured the darkness of the lowerworld andturned up as a stream as well.mixing his waves with hers,hegained her love in theend.





  apollo drove his golden carriage across the heavens during the day,admired as the sun-god.artemis also raced across the sky in solemn style at night,respected as the moon-goddess.sitting in an airy carriage drawn by milk white horses,“the queen of wide air” gave offsilver light all over the sleeping world below.though she remained single all her life,the maidenheart of the goddess was at least for once excited as she saw the beautiful youth endymionsleeping.

  she was pure and fair and calm.she was the example of maiden modesty and grace.just asapollo represents manly beauty,so artemis stands for feminine purity and virginity .as theirpatron goddess she took it as her duty to protect marrying girls and young women introuble.it was her altar that those maidens turned for love and happiness.

  the twin sister of apollo was also the goddess of hunting and wild life .dressed in a shorthunting-suit coming up to the knee and followed by a team of noisy lovely fairymaidens,artemis had always her bow of pearl and shining arrow with her and travelled in thewoods in search of wild animals.when she felt hot and tired she would retire to a spring to takea bath.it was here that young actaeon accidentally came and suffered cruel treatment at thehands of the goddess.indeed,the goddesscould be thoroughly heartless and stopped to belovely as soon as the bad side of her nature got the upper hand in her.the sadthing of niobewas just a case in point.







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