
General 更新 2024年09月27日






   1. Which animal are they talking about?

   2. Which is the woman's favourite?

   3. What does Millie like doing?

   4. What sign are they talking about?

   5. When will Mary get to the party?

  A. At 6. B. At 6:30. C. At 7.

   6. Which floor is the girl on now?

  A. The fourth floor. B. The third floor. C. The second floor.

   7. What did Madee play with just now?

  A. Books. B. Matches. C. Toys.

   8. Where are the speakers?

  A. In the teachers' office B. On the playground. C. In the classroom.

   9. What will the girl do tomorrow?

  A. Go camping. B. Do housework. C. Have a picnic.

   10. Why will they have a party tonight?

  A. Because Peter is leaving. B. Because Peter is coming.

  C. Because it's Peter's birthday.




   11. How many people were there in Mr Wu's car?

  A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

   12. Who sent Mr Wu to the hospital?

  A. The students. B. Mr Wu's friends. C. The police.

  聽第一篇短文,回答第13 -15小題。請根據短文內容,選擇正確答案,完成資訊記錄表。

   13.A. clothes B. toys C. chocolates

   14.A. drawing B. reading C. writing

   15.A. uncle B. brother C. grandfather

  聽第二篇短文,回答第16 -20小題。

   16. Where will the speaker go?

  A. To a city. B. To a town. C. To the country鄉村.

   17. What does the visitors not do on the farm?

  A. Learn how the plants grow.

  B. Learn how to grow plants.

  C. Learn how the farmers work.

   18. How many days does the speaker stay on the farm?

  A. About two days. B. About three days. C. About four days.

   19. How will they go to the farm?

  A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot.

   20. What is the speaker's telephone number?

  A. 64126732. B. 64127623. C. 64127632.


   1. - Where_______ you two hours ago?

  - I_______ in the garden with my mum.

  A. were; was B. were; were C. was; was D. was; were

   2. I don't like sleeping _______ the window_______.

  A. with; opened B. by opened C. with; open D. by; open

   3. He_______ his watch in his bag but couldn't_______ it.

  A. look for find B. find; look for C. looked for find D. found; look for

   4. _______ lost the wallet. Whose is it?

  A. Anybody B. Somebody C. Nobody D. Everybody

   5. My cousin wants to travel_______ the world_______ bike in the future.

  A. over; in B. around on C. over; on D. around; by

   6. My mom_______ some time_______ books every day.

  A. spent; reading B. spends; reading C. spent; read D. spends; read

   7. Andy likes going climbing _______. He is a brave boy.

  A. alone B. lonely C. for himself D. his own

   8. Hollywood 好萊塢 is famous_______ its films.

  A. for B. at C. in D. of

   9. The room isn't_______ for a meeting of ten people. Let's change another one.

  A. bright enough B. enough bright C. big enough D. enough big

   10. The dress isn't_______ big. Please show me_______ one.

  A. so; other B. so; the other C. that; other D. that; another

   11. - Who teaches_______ paint? He draws so well.

  - Nobody. He teaches_______.

  A. him; himself B. himself to; his C. him to; himself D. his to; his

   12. Mary had to go to work by bus_______ there was something wrong with her car this morning.

  A. till B. because C. but D. so

   13. Chris felt_______ hungry, so he ate_______ food for lunch.

  A. too much; too much B. too much; much too

  C. much too; too much D. much too; much too

   14. _______ we had yesterday!

  A. What a good time B. What good time

  C. How a good time D. How good time

   15. _______ may a little baby weigh?

  A. How much B. How heavy C. How many D. What

   16. -_______ do you go to the movies?

  - Twice a month.

  A. How about B. How long C. How soon D. How often

   17. He needs_______ more to play the piano well.

  A. to practise B. practise C. practising D. practises

   18. - Are they watching the boys_______ football?

  - Yes, they watch them_______ every day.

  A. play; play; B. playing; playing C. playing; play D. play; playing

   19. - Please come here early next time.


  A. That's all right B. You're welcome C. Never mind D. OK, no problem

   20. - I'm sorry I broke your pen.

  -_______. It doesn't matter.

  A. You can buy me a new one B. Don't worry

  C. Not at all D. Don't be sorry


  My father and I went to a circus 馬戲團. A family was standing in

  front of us 1 for tickets票.

  The family had eight children. Their clothes were not 2 but they

  were clean. They were talking about the clowns 小丑 and elephants


  "I Want 3 tickets, eight for children and two for adults," said the

  father to the ticket lady. The ticket lady told him the 4 . When he heard

  that, the man couldn't believe his 5 . He asked again, "How much?" The ticket lady spoke again. The father looked sad. Clearly 明顯地, he didn't have 6 money.

  My dad took a $20 bill鈔票 and dropped it on the ground. Then he 7 the bill, and said to the man, "Sir, this fell out of your pocket."

  The man knew what 8 . He looked into my dad's eyes and took the 9 . "Thank you, sir. This 10 means意味著 a lot to me and my family."

  We didn't go to the circus that night, but we didn't feel sorry for it at all.

   1. A. waiting B. looking C. working D. preparing

   2. A. high B. cheap C. old D. expensive

   3. A. eight B. ten C. two D. five

   4. A. ticket B. number C. price D. time

   5. A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. head

   6. A. free B. any C. little D. enough

   7. A. picked up B. took away C. put down D. looked up

   8.A. to happened B. happened C. happens D. happen

   9.A. book B. pocket C. bill D. bag

   10. A. never B. just C. only D. really



  If you or your friends dislike school, try to do the following things and it can help you.

  First, write down everything you don't like about school. Then make a list清單of

  the good things you enjoy. Even if即使it's the lunch, that's a start!

  Now, you should think what you can change on the "don't like" list. Here are some

  examples. Can you get help with school work if that's hard? Do you have a friend to talk

  with when you meet a problem? Could you find a way to tell others your special interests<興

  趣? If you made just one new friend, would you feel less lonely孤單?Which activities

  could you try to help you meet new friends? Of course, you might not be able to change

  everything on your "don't like" list. A bully恃強凌弱can not disappear消失. Reading

  may always be hard work but that's OK. Focus on關注what you can change and you

  might love school again!

   1. What should you do first if you dislike your school according to根據the passage?

  A. Get help from your classmates. B. Ask your teacher for help.

  C. Write down the things you dislike. D. Talk with your friends about it.

   2. The writer作者says some problems in the passage except_______.

  A. school work B. friend C. hobby D. health

   3. What's the best title題目for the passage?

  A. It's Time to Make a List B. Try to Do Something to Change

  C. Why You Don't Like School D. What Are Important at School


  My name is Katie and I'm 13 years old. I wanted to do sports with a dog at the age of nine, but I couldn't find a right dog. When I was 11, my parents gave me a dog. His name is Dusty. I found Dusty perfect for me: he is fast, strong and likes to make me happy. I knew that this was the pet dog I wanted.

  I began his early training 訓練in a park when he was about 6 months old. I used anything I could find to make him jump. I used lots of food to train Dusty to practice jumping happily again and again. These months, I'm training Dusty to sit. It is easier for me. Let me show you how to do it.

  To train your dog to sit, just give him a treat-a piece of dog food will work, say "sit," hold it up and move it back over his head. Most dogs will just sit so they can watch the food. When the dog sits, give him the treat and say "good sit."

  If dogs don't sit when you hold the treat over their heads, you can push推their heads down. Remember to treat them when the dog's hindquarters臀部及後腿touch the ground.

  If you want to know more about how to train a dog, please e-mail me at happykatie@sina. com.

   4. What does the word "perfect" mean in Chinese?

  A. 調皮的 B. 極好的 C. 糟糕的 D. 愚蠢的

   5. You can contact聯絡Katie through according to the passage.

  A. a letter B. a telephone C. a card D. the Internet

   6. What can we know from the passage?

  A. Katie may like doing exercise.

  B. If Dusty jumped, it got no award.

  C. Only delicious food can make a dog sit.

  D. It is hard for Katie to train a dog to sit.


  Do you want to know something about children in Africa? What do they do for fun every day? Find out here:


  School is expensive for many African children. Lots of families can't afford支付不起school uniforms校服or exercise books even though儘管they don't have to pay for school.

  For those lucky enough to go to school, they have a lot to learn. Some take two language classes: English or French, and their first language. There is also maths, science, history, social社會的studies and geography. Chores take up much of children's time after school. They have to get water and firewood for the family every day. Also there's cleaning, washing and helping mum with the meal.


  It's not all work and no play. Sports are very popular. Children can make goals球門 with twigs樹枝and their own footballs with string繩子. They play in the country鄉村and streets of old towns. There're many football teams for young people in Africa.


  It's really expensive to get on the Internet. To get online 上網for 20 hours costs over 600 yuan. Most people don't have enough money for the fee費用. Egypt埃及and South Africa are the top two users使用者of the Internet in Africa. All the people in the two countries can get on Internet.

  Some schools offer提供computer lessons but few students can enjoy computer fun at home.

   7. The underlined word "Chores" probably means_______.

  A. 網上衝浪 B. 家務雜活 C. 體育活動 D. 家庭作業

   8. Sports are very popular in Africa because children_______.

  A. don't need to pay for sports B. can play all kinds of ball games

  C. don't like to go to school D. don't like to do their homework

   9. The passage is mainly主要about_______

  A. education in Africa B. children's school life in Africa

  C. the Internet in Africa D. children's daily日常的life in Africa

   10. From the passage, we can infer推斷that in Africa_______.

  A. basketball is popular among children

  B. children in Africa have to pay for school

  C. some children in Africa have to take two foreign language classes

  D. people in Egypt and South Africa may get higher pay賺的更多than people in other countries.


  Two months ago, I went to Australia for a meeting with my workmate同事,Chris. We decided to drive across the country after the meeting. The drive would take four days and most of it was across the desert沙漠.

  The first day was a lot of fun because we were happy to hear each other's jokes玩笑. But on the third day, we began to get bored. We were quite quiet for some hours when Chris saw some kangaroos袋鼠.We were both excited and decided to take a closer look. Chris drove very quickly to catch up with趕上them. We got closer and closer when we heard a loud BANG!

  Chris stopped the car and we got out. Behind the car was a large kangaroo lying on the ground. Chris went over to it and put his cap on its head. He took off his sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo and did the same with his jacket. Then he put his arm around the kangaroo and told me to take a photo of them together. I took out my camera. When I was focusing調整焦距the camera, I saw the kangaroo move移動. It suddenly woke up, and ran away before we could do anything.

  I started laughing but Chris looked worried. He said his wallet was in the jacket. I started laughing even louder. I stopped laughing when he said that our car keys were also in the jacket.

   11. Why did the writer go to Australia?

  A. For a meeting. B. For a trip. C. For a holiday. D. To see his friend.

   12. How long would the drive take according to their plan?

  A. One day. B. Four days. C. Half a month. D. Two months.

   13. What does the underlined word "bored" mean in Chinese?

  A. 無聊的 B. 疲勞的 C. 飢餓的 D. 睏倦的

   14. Why did they hear a loud BANG?

  A. Because there was something wrong with their car.

  B. Because someone else was hunting them.

  C. Because something fell off their car.

  D. Because their car knocked down a kangaroo.

   15. What can we know from the passage文章?

  A. The writer took a photo of Chris and the kangaroo.

  B. The kangaroo ran away together with Chris's wallet and their car keys in his jacket.

  C. They decided to walk across the desert.

  D. The writer was still仍然very happy with his friend at last.



  1. _______螞蟻can smell well.

  2. Every_______世紀has its own heroes.

  3. It's so_______潮溼的. It seems to rain.

  4. There is a_______洞on one of my new socks.

  5. Oh,_______天啊!I saw a lion on the road just now.

  6. You can't get good grades_______沒有hard work.

  7. No one can open the door. It's_______鎖住的inside.

  8. They_______厲害地needed some water after a long walk.

  9. It's easy to find this kind of plant_______任何地方in the world.

  10. He is a strange man. He doesn't_______甚至want to say a word with others.


  11.-There is much_______ in that house. Is it on fire?

  -Maybe. Let's go there to help.

  12.-This is your first time to come here. Take a map with you or否則you'll _______ your way.

  -No, thank you. Lucy will go with me together.

  13. -Excuse me, could you _______what you said? I didn't hear you clearly清楚地.

  -I said your teacher asked you to go to his office.

  14. -It's time for class. Please be_______.

  -Sorry, I won't talk in class.

  15. -Which road should we take, Mum?

  -We just need to walk_______ on until直到we meet your daddy.


  1. Bob became a good student a year_______ late.

  2. Amy has the_______ able to finish the work in an hour.

  3. It's a_______ wonder experience經歷.We'll never forget it.

  4. Be_______ care with your words. He is easy to get angry.

  5. Some_______ west countries don't like the colour of red.

  6. He is a_______ fun person. He can always make us laugh.

  7. She helped_______ her with some cakes after her aunt went away.

  8. _______ mouse are not popular among the children. But dogs are.

  9. I don't like living in the tall_______ build. It's difficult to go up and down.

  10. My mum_______ usual gets up very early in the morning at weekends.


  1. She left her hometown half a year ago.對劃線部分提問

  _______ _______ she_______ her hometown?

  2. How much is the book?改為同義句

  How much did you_______ _______ the book?

  3. It's three kilometers from my home to my school.對劃線部分提問

  _______ _______ is it from your home to your school?

  4. Can you skate?改為同義句

  _______ you_______ _______ skate?

  5. He does well in geography.改為同義句

  He_______ _______ _______ geography.

  6. I got a letter from my cousin yesterday.改為同義句

  I_______ _______ my cousin yesterday.

  7. It's nice weather. 改為感嘆句

  _______ _______ the weather is !

  8. Tom is ten years old. Jim is ten years old, too. 合併為一句

  Jim is_______ _______ _______ Tom.


  1. No one_______ notice if you don't go there with us together this evening.

  2. I_______ not touch the glass of water. It was too hot.

  3. He_______ save money to buy something he likes next year, isn't he?

  4. _______ believe it or not. I did the work on my own獨自.

  5. Keep trying and you_______ not fail in your study then.

  6. He always_______ forget to take his keys with him.

  7. - Where is Kate?

  - She_______ play the piano in the study.

  8. The police _ search the house for a bad man the day before yesterday.

  9. His father left without_______ speak to anybody else.

  10. He_______ not reply to any of my messages last night.


  1. 他上個月因為生病住院了一週。


  2. 我們的教室比他們的大三倍。


  3. 她們倆跳舞跳得一樣好。


  4. 你應該照顧好花。


  5. 昨天房間太吵鬧以至於我不能在裡面學習。





  2. 她帶你去了仙境Wonderland,那裡有各種各樣的鮮花,她們會說話。

  3. 許多小動物在天上飛來飛去,你用盡全力飛,但是失敗了。

  4. 愛麗絲給了你一件特殊的絲綢外套,你穿上後也能飛得和他們一樣高。你多麼激動啊!

  5. 突然,你不小心掉了下來,你大喊救命……最後你醒了,原來是個夢。

  I had a dream of Alice yesterday.



  I woke up in the end, and it was a dream.


  11-15 BAABC 16-20 CBABC

  二、1-5 ACCBD 6-10 BAACD 11-15 CBCAA 16-20 DACDB

  三、1-5 ADBCB 6-10 DABCD

  四、1-5 CDBBD. 6-10 ABADD 11-15 ABADB

  五、1.Ants 2.century 3.wet . 4.hole 5.dear

  6.without 7. locked 8. badly 9. anywhere 10. even

  11.smoke 12.lose 13.repeat 14.quiet 15.straight

  六、1.later 2.ability 3.wonderful 4. careful 5.Westem

  6.funny 7.herself 8.Mice 9.buildings 10.usually

  七、1.When did, leave 2.pay for/spend on 3.How far

  4.Are, able to 5.is good at 6.heard from 7.How nice

  8. as old as

  八. 1. will notice 2. didn't touch! 3.is going to save

  4. Believe 5.won't fail 6. forgets 7. is playing

  8. searched 9. speaking 10. didn't reply

  九. 1. He was ill in hospital for a week last month.

  2. Our classroom is three times larger than theirs,

  3.They dance well as each other.

  4. You should take good care of flowers.

  5. The room was too noisy for me to study in yesterday.

  十. I had a dream of Alice yesterday.

  She was a beautiful girl. She took me to wonderland. There were different kinds of beautiful flowers, and they could speak. Many small animals flew around in the sky. I tried my best to fly but failed. Then Alice gave me a special silk coat. I put it on and I flew as high as them. How excited I was! Suddenly, I fell down. I shouted for help. . .

  I woke up in the end, and it was a dream.
