A Strange Disease 奇怪的疾病
When the construction of the firework factory came to the stage of painting, a pump was put in. Then, all the painters in the neighbourhood were defeated by a severe disease whose characteristic was alike to that of a bad burn.
An expert physician was instructed to attend to the victims and handle this case. He was enthusiastic, but he didn’t foresee that it was a hard challenge. After simple enquiry, he announced that the polluted paint was to blame. But without positive evidence, people suspected and rejected his view, saying the theory he put forward made no sense. Being much more strict with himself, he contributed himself to the case. Apart from making enquiries, he made detailed charts and analysed the data cautiously. Finally, he drew a scientific conclusion, linking the disease to theradium in the pump. Exposed to radium, a kind of radioactive material in the universe, people absorbed radiation and got sick immediately.
Spinning the pump backward, he took away the radium. This simple movement cured all the victims.
An Air Crash飛機失事
I was a previous typist in a post office. Because I couldn’t tolerate typing any more postage bills or postcodes on a typewriter every day, I resigned. With a greedy motivation of making big money, I took up working as a business representative for the G.E Ecology Company, which produced goods by recycling useful materials from our dustbins. My new job left me good impressions in many aspects except that the working timetable was full of traveling by jets.
Once, when speeding up, our jet was swallowed by a thunderstorm, which destroyed our GPS receiver and made us lose sight of the directions. A constantly flashing light showed that our jet was in danger. A steward instantly asked us to put on masks and fasten the safety belts, and then pressed a button to switch on the escaping capsule. It slid sideways out of the opening at once and landed in a desert area safely. Lacking food and tablets, we were nervous anduncertain at first. But we all kept optimistic and made good adjustment to the situation. We swept up the surroundingmud to make our settlement and were back on our feet soon. Finally, guided by the smoke of our crashing jet, some local citizens came by carriages and saved us.
有一次,我們的噴氣飛機在加速時被一場雷暴吞沒,不僅損壞了GPS訊號接收器,還使我們看不見方向。一盞持續閃亮的燈說明我們的飛機正處在危險中。一名乘務員立刻讓我們戴上面罩、繫牢安全帶,接著按下一枚按鈕 開啟逃生倉電源,逃生倉馬上側著滑出出口,安全降落在一片荒涼的地區。因為缺少食品和藥品,我們一開始都又緊張又心裡沒底,但是我們都保持樂觀,做好調整適應這一新境況。我們打掃乾淨周圍的泥土,安頓下來,很快就恢復過來。最後,在我們墜機煙霧的指引下,一些當地的居民搭乘馬車到來,我們都獲救了。
First Aid 急救
A boy fell ill. His organs were damaged by the radiation of an infrared ray stove. But before theambulance arrived, a number of other injuries happened to this unlucky boy over and over again. First, he waschoked by some poisonous liquid from the kettle on the cupboard. Then his wrist skin was burnt by electric shock. Finally, his ankle was cut by a pan.
Fortunately, the boy’s nurse gave him proper temporary treatments according to his complex symptoms. Shemildly squeezed the poisonous liquid out of his throat and put bandages firmly in place to apply pressure to the ankle wound to stop bleeding. As for the burn, she used scissors to remove his sleeve, poured a basin of cold water over the burn to cool it and put her hands on a damp blouse to cover his swollen tissue tightly. She also inspired his bravery to fight against the unbearable pain. Her first aid made a vital difference in saving his life. A ceremony was held to honour the nurse who overcame a variety of barriers to save the boy.
Refresh Our Environment 恢復環境生機
As the director stated on behalf of his researching group, the data of this graph makes a clearpresentation of the future environmental tendency. On one hand, the quantity of fuel keeps on decreasing by 9% peryear while the growth of a wide range of pollution has been a global trend. On the other hand, the mildly but steadilygoing up of the average temperature is resulting in catastrophes like widespread floods. Without disagreement, theysubscribe to the view that it is humans’ existence and their randomly consuming energy that result in this phenomenon.
Many people have a commitment that developing nuclear power or energy from outer space will stop badconsequences coming about. However, scientists and educators are opposed to this view even if our needs may be met on the whole. They tend to advocate refreshing our circumstances by saving energy and recycling waste. It is suggested that we use energy-saving appliances such as electrical motors, microwaves and so on and not be casualabout little things like recycling a can. So please glance around and see what you can do. So long as everybody makescontribution, we will not have to put up with this problem anymore.
Defeat Disability戰勝殘疾
Yang’s ambition was to get an architect certificate or become a bowling master. But when he was conducting experiments with a microscope in the basement, a tank on the bench exploded, sending him flying outwards through the exit. He was out of breath while knowing he lost his eyesight as well as 70% of his hearing. In other words, he was disabled.
Feeling clumsy, he was annoyed at first though nobody made fun of him. He cut out going outdoors and just sat around at home talking to his parrot or tortoise silently. His sister resigned to help him in many ways. Her assistance and encouragement were so beneficial to his psychology that he adapted to his disability soon and became outgoing again. In a college accessible to him, he studied politics andliterature. He always sat in the front row near the entry without any absence and, with the help of his handy laptop, he studied well by means of dictation. His thesis, Abolishing Slavery, met with all professors’ approval. After class, he and his companions often played drummusic, which was noisy but suitable for his hearing. After graduation, he made high profits by designing software for a firm. All in all, in his community, he won his dignity and people’s congratulations.
He always wished all the best to his disabled fellows and encouraged them, “Never mind! All you have is adequate to get your achievement.”