
General 更新 2025年03月24日



  1. 選擇從事這個行業會惹人嘲笑。

  To choose such a line of work is to invite ridicule.

  2. 克里斯辭掉了工作去從事一項更體面、收益更大的職業。

  Chris threw up his job to take up more respectable, more rewarding employment.

  3. 辯論者; 爭辯者從事或喜歡爭辯、辯論或駁斥的人

  A person engaged in or inclined to controversy, argument, or refutation.

  4. 學生們正為從事教育事業而學習提高。

  The students are qualifying themselves for teaching.

  5. 她決意從事出版事業。

  She's absolutely set on publishing as a career.

  6. 他從一開始就已經顯露出從事公共關係工作的天賦。

  She has shown a flair for public relations from the beginnings.

  7. 因此,對一個從事社會活動的人來講,培養一種嗜好和新的情趣方式,乃是至關重要的對策。

  The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of first importance to a public man.

  8. 為了有朝一日步入政壇而學習法律; 感覺到政治是一項值得從事的事業

  Studied law with a view to going into politics; felt that politics was a worthwhile career.

  9. 取得學位後不久,他就從事政治投機活動。

  He took a flier in politics soon after getting his degree.

  10. 她很有創作能力,既從事寫作又從事繪畫。

  She's very creative; she writes and paints.

  11. 他開始從事保險經紀人的職業。

  He set up in business as an insurance broker.

  12. 他冒險從事一項富有雄心的計畫。

  He ventured on an ambitious project.

  13. adj. 博士前的 ***指攻讀博士學位或從事博士前工作的***


  14. 必須具備大專院校的學位才能從事這一級的工作。

  A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.


  1. 腦力勞動者其職業主要是從事腦力勞動的人

  One whose profession primarily involves intellectual activity.

  2. 這艘船從事遠洋漁業。

  The ship is engaged in pelagic fishery.

  3. adj. 農業社會前的, 人類開始從事農業前的


  4. 新聞學訓練學生從事新聞工作的一門學科

  An academic course training students in journalism.

  5. 賈森應從事會計工作,因為他具有計算的才能。

  Jason should go in for accounting because he has a good head for figures.

  6. vt. 從事競選等政治活動


  7. 可以告訴我你們從事何種業務嗎?

  May I know what line of business you handle?

  8. 每一個從事航海的人都應該學會依次列舉羅盤方位。

  Everyone who takes up sailing should learn to box the compass.

  9. 她正從事一項新發明。

  She is working at a new invention.

  10. 她專心從事慈善事業。

  She committed herself to philanthropy.

  11. 遺傳學家在遺傳學方面從事專門研究的人

  One who specializes in genetics.

  12. 這家公司擁有一個車隊,供從事推銷的僱員使用。

  The company owns a fleet of car for its sale force to use.

  13. 作為一個科學家,他具有從事重要科學研究的能力。

  As a scientist, he have the capability of do important research.

  14. 細胞化學生物化學的一個分支,它從事研究這種化學構成成分和細胞活動

  The branch of biochemistry that deals with the study of the chemical composition and activity of cells.

  15. 很多人從事繪畫、音樂、演劇和其他類似活動。

  Many people went in for writing, music, dramatics and similar activities.


  1. 他從事於物理研究/這一課題許多年了。

  He has worked at physics/the topic for many years.

  2. 格林先生知道怎樣從事幕後操縱。

  Mr. Green knows how to wirepull.

  3. 批發商店大的,常從事批發業務的商店

  A large, usually wholesale shop.

  4. 獸醫從事獸醫醫學實踐的人

  A person who practices veterinary medicine.

  5. 他太膽小,不敢從事新的事業。

  He is too timid to venture upon a new undertaking.

  6. 簡轉入了教育出版界,可是瓦爾遵從自己的愛好,留下從事教學,直至退休。

  Jan moved on into educational publishing but Val followed her bent and remained in teaching until she retired.

  7. 私商,無照營業者侵犯貿易壟斷企業的人,例如在有特許權公司的經營範圍內從事未經許可的貿易活動

  One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.

  8. 他對語言的熱愛促使他從事翻譯工作。

  His love of language inclined him towards a career as a translator.

  9. 他對語言的熱愛促使他從事翻譯工作。

  His love of languages inclined him towards a career as a translator.

  10. 他是從事二手車買賣的。

  He is in the secondhand car trade.

  11. 他們從事國內貿易。

  They are engaged in interior trade.

  12. 納稅人:主要從事通訊領域的貿易。

  Taxpayer: the trade in the field of telecommunication.

  13. 背離既定路線者; 陰謀破壞者採用不同路線,進行分裂或從事破壞活動的人

  One engaged in diversionary, disruptive, or subversive activities.

  14. 我朋友使我從事一份白領工作。

  My friend put me in a white-collar slot.

  15. 如果你不喜歡分配給你的任務,乾脆不要做,而不要草率從事。

  If you do not like the assignment, just do not do them, but do not scamp them.


