
General 更新 2025年03月04日


  有關簡短的英語故事:A Hole in Her Ear

  It was Sunday. “Don’t blow in my ear!” Cassandra yelled. “I have very fragile skin. If you blow in my ear, it might break my eardrum.” Travis laughed. He didn’t believe her. He had seen too many movies and read too many books where the guy blew in the girl's ear and the girl ended up marrying the guy.

  So he blew in her ear. She cried out in pain. “You're kidding,” he said, startled. But the look on her face said that she wasn’t kidding. Something’s wrong, she told him. He apologized profusely. She put her little finger in her ear; when she pulled it out, there was moisture on her fingertip. She said she could hear a whooshing sound. He felt sick. He couldn’t believe that he had just injured her. This had never happened in any movie or any book. Yet it was happening to her.

  She felt dizzy. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. “I’m so sorry, honey,” he told her. Very quietly, she said it was okay. She wanted to go home. He walked her out to his car. She said the whooshing sound was not going away. When they got to her place, she got into her bed and lay down. She asked him to please leave, as she wanted to try to sleep. He apologized again. He got back into his car and returned to his apartment. What a jerk I am, he said over and over. What a jerk.

  有關簡短的英語故事:The Robbery at the Mall

  Cliff was on the phone. “I couldn’t believe it! It was broad daylight! These criminals have no conscience, no morals. They beat up and rob old people. They kidnap and rape young women. It’s getting to the point where no one is safe anytime or anywhere.” Cliff’s wife had recently been punched, kicked, and robbed on a warm, sunny day. She had a black eye, sore ribs, and abrasions on her left elbow where she had been knocked to the pavement.

  Janelle had gone to Santa Anita mall to buy a new pair of shoes. JC Penney was having a sale. As usual, the huge parking lot was crowded. The nearest parking spot she could find was almost 100 yards past the mall’s north entrance. She got out of her car and started walking south toward JC Penney, the mall’s northernmost anchor store.

  She had only walked about 20 feet when she heard something behind her. She turned around. A hooded figure got out of the passenger side of a black Mustang. He walked right up to her. She clutched her purse. He punched her. She fell to the pavement, stunned. The man grabbed her purse. She held tight, until he kicked her in her side. She screamed in pain and let go of her purse. The man yelled something at her and got back into the Mustang. She heard laughter as it drove off.

  A minute later, another car pulled up. A woman got out and asked Janelle what was wrong. Janelle was crying. The woman called the police, and helped Janelle to her feet. A police car arrived about 10 minutes later. The officer called for an ambulance, but Janelle said to forget it. She knew that most Los Angeles area hospitals were usually overcrowded with emergency room patients. Even if the ambulance managed to find a hospital that wasn’t too overcrowded, she would have to wait hours before an emergency room doctor would see her and treat her. I could go online and learn how to treat myself by then, or maybe even be completely healed, Janelle thought.

  有關簡短的英語故事:Kill Those Flies

  “Leave the front door wide open, all the time,” God told Mel in a dream. Furthermore, God added, put three dishes filled with raw hamburger in every room in the house. Add more hamburger when the dishes became empty.

  A very strange dream, Mel had thought, but who was he to question a command from God? He opened the front door wide and put the dishes in every room. The first day, hundreds of flies flew in. Each day, hundreds more followed. His wife Hazel was as religious as Mel, but her complaints increased each week. So one day, Mel drove to a nearby Wal-Mart. He bought three dozen fly swatters and returned home. He pounded small nails into each wall of each room, and hung a fly swatter on each nail. “There, that ought to do it,” he told his wife, handing her a swatter.

  “What good is this? The front door is still wide open!” she yelled at him. He said that was okay; it was God’s will. They knew that He worked in mysterious ways. Maybe He was going to reward them when this was all over.

  More and more flies moved into their south Florida house. When the kids opened their mouths to put food inside, flies flew into their mouths. After a while, the kids got used to eating the crunchy flies with their food.

