多少錢的英文 多少錢用英語怎麼說?
how much 多少錢
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他想知道要這個要花費他多少錢。
He wants to know how much it will cost.
2. 目前還不清楚他們的一杯咖啡收費多少錢。
It is not clear how much they would charge for a cup.
3. 你喜歡覺得你對你的服務員賺多少錢有發言權。
You like to feel that you have a voice in how much money your server makes.
4. 他們可以對他們的服務員賺多少錢有一些發言權。
They can have some say in how much their servers earn.
5. 你能付多少錢。
How much you can afford to pay.
6. 他們經常被迫從事艱苦的體力勞動,卻掙不到多少錢。
They were often forced to work at hard physical jobs for little money.
7. 很難弄清他究竟貪汙了多少錢。
It’s hard to sort out how much he has embezzled.
8. 算一算你一共有多少錢,看夠不夠。
Reckon up your money and see if you have enough.
9. 老伴兒工資很低,每月賺不了多少錢。
With a low salary, my husband earns very little each month.
10. 只要他好好工作,我倒不在乎他掙多少錢回家。
So long as he is devoted to his job, I don’t really mind how much money he brings home.
how much