勞動的英文 勞動用英語怎麼說?
work n.工作;勞動;職業;製作品;產品;工廠;活動機件;運轉機構;防禦工事;功;做功;需要的所有事物;全套事物
labour n.勞動;工黨;分娩;勞工;工人階級;勞動者;勞工階級;勞工部門
常用 權威
1. 勞動法
labour law;Labour Law of the People's Republic of China
2. 勞動服
work clothes; overalls
3. 勞動量
amount of labour
4. 勞動權
right to labour/work
5. 勞動節
International Labour Day [May 1]; May Day
6. 勞動力
capacity for physical labour; working ability;able-bodied labourer;labour/work force; labour; manpower
7. 勞動者
labourer; worker; toiler
8. 勞動布
9. 勞動化
(of intellectuals) integrate oneself with the working people
10. 朝鮮勞動黨
Workers'Party of Korea (WPK)
11. 勞動保險
labour insurance;labour insurance
12. 勞動間隙
work break
13. 強迫勞動
forced labour
14. 剩餘勞動
surplus labour;surplus labour
15. 強制勞動
compulsory labour;forced labour
16. 勞動人民
working people;labouring/working people
17. 熟練勞動
skilled labour
18. 勞動成果
fruit of labour
19. 勞動大軍
contingent of workers
20. 勞動人事
labour and personnel
1. 家庭勞動通常會得到充分的回報。
Family labor is often adequately rewarded.
2. 他們成功地為公司培養了勞動力。
They have been successful in preparing the workforce for companies.
3. 家裡的勞動分工很少是明確的。
Division of labor at home is seldom clear-cut.
4. 它可以幫助孩子們瞭解勞動的價值。
It may help children learn the worth of labor.
5. 更多的女性加入了勞動力大軍。
More women joined the workforce.
6. 現如今美國人通常如何慶祝勞動節。
How do people often celebrate Labor Day in America nowadays.
7. 它節省了大量的時間和勞動力。
It saves considerable time and labor.
8. 如今在美國,勞動節主要是為了玩樂。
Today in the United States, Labor Day is mostly about having fun.
9. 但情緒勞動與環境因素無關。
But emotional labor is not circumstantial.
10. 學生將理解勞動的重要性。
Students will understand the importance of labor.
從哲學高度看,勞動是主體、客體和意義的內涵整合體。 勞動,通常是指能夠對外輸出勞動量或勞動價值的人類運動,勞動是人維持自我 生存和自我發展的唯一手段。按照傳統的勞動分類理論,勞動可分為腦力勞動和體力勞動兩大類。 勞動是人類運動的一種特殊形式。在商品生產體系中,勞動是勞動力的支出和使用。馬克思給我們下了這樣的定義:“勞動力的使用就是勞動本身。勞動力的買者消費勞動力,就是叫勞動力的賣者勞動。”
勞動,是一個漢語詞語,意思是其一人類創造物質或精神財富的活動:體力勞動ㄧ腦力勞動。 其二專指體力勞動:勞動鍛鍊。 其三進行體力勞動:他勞動去了。
名詞 work; labour
1. 科學研究需要付出艱辛的勞動。
Scientific research involves herculean efforts and grueling toil.
2. 勞動創造一切。
Labour creates each and every thing.
3. 勞動熟練程度
skill of labour
4. 無效/有效勞動
fruitless/effective labour
5. 體力勞動
physical/manual labour; manual/physical/muscle work
6. 腦力勞動
mental labour; mental/brain work
7. 家務勞動
housework; household chores
8. 繁重的勞動
heavy/strenuous/onerous labour
9. 創造性勞動
creative work
10. 勞動年齡人口
working-age population
11. 勞動報酬
payment for labour
12. 減輕勞動
lighten one's work/labour
13. 從事/進行勞動
undertake labour
名詞 physical/manual labour; manual/physical/muscle work
1. 母親最大的特點是一生不曾脫離過勞動。
The most prominent characteristic of my mother was her lifelong participation in physical labour.
2. 艱苦的勞動
arduous labour
3. 繁重的勞動
back-breaking physical labour
4. 義務勞動
volunteer labour/work
5. 剩餘勞動
surplus labour
6. 生產勞動
productive labour
7. 強制勞動
compulsory labour
8. 勞動鍛鍊
temper oneself through manual/physical labour
9. 逃避勞動
shun physical labour
10. 參加勞動
participate in manual/physical labour/work
動詞 do physical labour
1. 他正在地裡勞動。
He is working in the fields now.
2. 辛勤地勞動
work/labour industriously/diligently
3. 艱苦地勞動
work/toil/labour strenuously
動詞 trouble (sb to do sth)