不的英文 不用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-04


not adv.不;沒有;不算;不到;恰恰相反;不是;少於

no excl.不

cannot contraction不能

don't contraction不(同do not)

needn't contraction不需要;不必(同need not)

常用 權威



1. 不送氣音

unaspirated sound

2. 不限量

without quantitative limitation

3. 不服軟

not go soft; refuse to bend

4. 不搞特殊化

seek no personal privileges

5. 不透明體

opaque body

6. 不完整


7. 不施粉黛

wear no cosmetics

8. 不禮貌

be impolite

9. 不曉事


10. 不懂禮貌

have no manners; be impolite

11. 不怕吃苦

fear no hardships

12. 不認字

be illiterate

13. 不透明


14. 不遺憾

have no regrets (about)

15. 不伏罪

plead not guilty

16. 不急用

not need urgently

17. 不合口味

not to one's taste;not to one's taste

18. 不含水分

contain no moisture

19. 不識羞

have no sense of shame

20. 不在場

be absent from the scene


1. 但是這個完整的故事依然存在。

But the dismembered story persists.

2. 他們小心把卡皮打成了卡普里。

They carelessly typed CARPI instead of CAPRI.

3. 應該和女生的天真聯絡在一起。

It should not be associated with girls' innocence.

4. 他們似乎關心旅遊的社會成本。

They don't seem to care about the social cost of tourism.

5. 我們對領導力的需求是自然的。

Our need for leadership is unnatural.

6. 法國對高科技跨國公司說\\。

France Says \NO\ to Tech Multinationals.

7. 他們說我們冷漠、矜持、友好。

They say we're cold, reserved, unfriendly.

8. Luthar並反對給零花錢。

Luthar is not opposed to giving allowances.

9. 但是科學博物館一樣。太吵了!

But the Science Museum is different.It's noisy!

10. 許多人認為鯊魚網應該被使用。

Many people think shark nets should not be used.


不,漢語一級字,讀作bù或fǒu,最早見於甲骨文。 其本義為名詞,指未經締結構造而直接使用的樹杈上的原始巢居;後引申為禁止、不要,還可表示不是、非等,以上讀作bù;“不”借為“否”時,讀fǒu。

《不》是由鄭國江作詞、鮑比達作曲、陳百強演唱的一首粵語流行歌曲,首發於1983年8月1日,收錄於專輯《偏偏喜歡你》中。 1983年香港十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮陳百強獻唱《不》,梁銘琛演唱的同名歌曲《不》於2019年10月25日發行。



副詞 [used before verbs, adjectives and some adverbs to indicate negation] not; no

1. 我不會操作那臺機器。

I don't know how to run that machine.

2. 我不想去。

I don't want to go.

3. 你現在應該工作,而不是躺在床上。

You should be working instead of lying in bed.

4. 不經災難不知福。

Misfortunes tell us what good fortune is.

5. 不改革就沒有出路。

There's no way out but reform.

6. 不完善的管理

faulty management

7. 不粘底煎鍋

non-stick frying pan

8. 手氣不佳

have some lousy hands

9. 不知道

not know; have no idea (of)

10. 不願意

be reluctant/unwilling (to do); shrink from (doing sth)

11. 不輕易稱讚

be chary of giving one's praise

12. 不肯

be unwilling/reluctant/disinclined (to do sth)

13. 不開心

be unhappy; in a pet

14. 不符合標準

fail to meet the criteria; not up to par/standard

15. 不分種族、信仰或膚色

irrespective of race, creed or colour

16. 不到五塊錢

under five yuan

17. 不到60歲

not sixty yet; on the bright/better/right side of sixty

18. 不戴眼鏡

not wear glasses

19. 不參加選舉

stay out of the election

副詞 [inserted in a reduplication to show one's carelessness or indifference, often preceded by 什麼]no matter (what, how, etc)

1. 信不信由你。

Believe it or not.

2. 不管你喜歡不喜歡,你都得幹。

Like it or not, you will have to do it.

3. 什麼貴不貴的,我就要買。

No matter how expensive it is, I'll have it.

副詞 [used between two words either contrastive or similar in meaning] neither...nor...

1. 不吃不喝

refuse to have any food or drink

副詞 [used before certain nouns to form an adjective]

1. 不幸


2. 不完整


3. 不規則


4. 不法

unlawful; lawless

5. 不道德


副詞 [used alone or with a particle in a negative response to a question] no

1. “再來杯茶吧?” “不了,謝謝。”

‘How about another cup of tea?' ‘No more, thanks.'

2. “他是學生嗎?” “不,他不是。”

‘Is he a student?' ‘No, he isn't.'

副詞 [used at the end of a sentence to indicate doubt or question]

1. 你去看電影不?

Are you going to the cinema?

2. 這本書他喜歡不?

Does he like the book?

副詞 [used between a verb and its complement to indicate that sth is impossible] cannot

1. 他什麼事都做不好。

He can do nothing right.

2. 這划不來。

It isn't worth it.

3. 沒有她我活不下去。

I can't live without her.

4. 打不開

refuse to open

5. 吃不飽,穿不暖

badly fed and clothed

副詞 [used between the same verbs or adjectives to form a question to be answered with ‘Yes' or ‘No']

1. 我漂亮不漂亮?

Am I beautiful?

2. 他走不走?

Is he leaving?

3. 你吃點兒不吃?

Do you want to eat something?

副詞 [used correlatively with就to indicate alteration] if not...(then); either...or...

1. 他不是上課就是在寫論文。

He is either having class or writing his thesis.

2. 他不生氣就不抽菸。

He never smokes unless he is angry.

3. 不洗手就不許你吃晚飯。

There's no dinner for you if you don't wash your hands.

副詞 [only used in some polite formulae] don't; needn't

1. “我也去嗎?” “不用了。”

‘Shall I go as well?' ‘No, don't bother.'

2. “非常感謝!” “不謝。”

‘Thank you very much.' ‘Don't mention it. / You're welcome.'

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