責備的英文 責備用英語怎麼說?
reproach v.責備;責怪;責備……;斥責;指責
blame v.認為…應該負責;歸咎於;責怪;把…歸咎於
reprove v.責備;非難
upbraid v.挑剔;責罵;申斥
reprimand n.訓斥;斥責
常用 權威
1. 應受責備
be held culpable for sth
2. 求全責備
demand perfection; nitpick
3. 給予溫和的責備
give a mild reproach
1. 學生通常因缺乏資源而受到責備
Students are usually to blame for their lack of resources.
2. 很少有期刊因資料分析中的錯誤而受到責備。
Few journals are blamed for mistakes in data analysis.
3. 老師正言厲色地把他責備了一頓。
The teacher told him off in a serious manner.
4. 他只是個小孩子,責備幾句就算了。
He is just a little boy. A few words of reprimand will be quite sufficient.
5. 他的話裡既有同情也有責備。
His words were a mixture of pity and reproof.
6. 我們小時候,受到長輩責備時可不敢回嘴。
When we were small, we dared not answer back when scolded by our seniors.
7. 應該受到責備的是沒有迅速採取行動的警察。
The blame lies with the police, who failed to act quickly enough.
8. 這樣的誇獎我擔當不起,這樣的責備我也擔待不起。
I deserve neither such praise nor such censure.
9. 他責備繁榮時期草率的借款行為。
He blames incautious borrowing during the boom.
10. 媽媽拉走了安娜,責備她不守規矩。
Mum took Anna away, scolding her for her bad behaviour.
責備(讀音:zé bèi),漢語詞語,釋義是以盡善盡美要求人或批評、指摘,例句有“ 我似乎覺得,同學們都在責備我,心裡十分不好受”。 責備的近義詞有誹謗、指摘、非難,反義詞有稱譽、稱讚、讚美,相關古文有“是故君子不責備於一人”,出自於《淮南子·氾論訓》。
動詞 reproach; blame; reprove; upbraid; reprimand; take sb to task
1. 應該受到責備的是沒有迅速採取行動的警察。
The blame lies with the police, who failed to act quickly enough.
2. 他只是個小孩子,責備幾句就算了。
He is just a little boy. A few words of reprimand will be quite sufficient.
3. 他的話裡既有同情也有責備。
His words were a mixture of pity and reproof.
4. 應受責備
be held culpable for sth
5. 受到良心責備
feel a prick of conscience; be afflicted with a conscience
6. 責備不該責備的人
put/lay/set the saddle on the wrong horse; lay the blame on the wrong shoulders