極其的英文 極其用英語怎麼說?
extremely adv.非常;極端地;極其;很
exceedingly adv.極度地;非常地;在很大程度上
most det. & pro.最大的;最高程度的;大多數的;幾乎全部的
in the extreme 極度, 極端, 非常
常用 權威
1. 極其幸福
be in exuberant happiness
2. 極其精確
perfectly accurate; minutely exact
3. 極其友好
be friendly in the extreme
4. 極其完美
reach the acme of perfection
5. 極其緊迫
extremely urgent
6. 極其恭順
with profound respect and humility
7. 極其寂寞
be desperately lonely
8. 極其重要
of vital importance
9. 極其下流
horribly indecent
10. 極其重視
attach great importance (to)
11. 言辭極其謹慎
be extremely cautious in wording
12. 極其微小的變化
slightest nuance of change
13. 性情極其暴烈
have an extremely fiery temper
14. 極其誠懇地答覆
reply in all sincerity
15. 極其深刻的教訓
most profound lesson
16. 極其艱鉅的任務
most arduous task
17. 極其罕見的珍品
greatest rarity;greatest rarity
18. 招致極其尖銳的反駁
draw the sharpest rejoinders
19. 給人極其惡劣的印象
make an extremely bad impression
1. 東北海岸是極其重要的食物來源。
The Northeast Coast is a critically important source of food.
2. 他那顆巨大的珍珠極其珍貴。
His monstrous pearl was extremely valuable.
3. 但這些都是極其難控制的。
But those are incredibly challenging to control.
4. 人的手是一個極其密集的神經末梢網路。
The human hand is an extremely dense network of nerve endings.
5. 預測一個人需要多少現金是極其困難的。
It is incredibly hard to predict how much cash one is going to need.
6. 參加藝術活動對孩子的發展是極其重要的。
Participating in the arts is essential for child development.
7. 極其嚴酷的寒冷天氣。
The incredible harshness of cold weather.
8. 然而,太多的例行公事也會讓你感到極其無聊。
However, too much of a routine can also make you incredibly boring.
9. 貝多芬習慣用極其強烈的力度來提升樂曲的音量。
Beethoven's habit of increasing the volume with an extreme intensity.
10. 山脈極其秀美。
The mountains are extremely beautiful.
極其(英文:extremely),讀音jí qí,漢語詞語,指的是非常,十分。例句:此人極其殘忍,作惡多端,真是罪不容誅。 近義詞有極端、極為、極度。反義詞有輕微。
副詞 extremely; exceedingly; most; in the extreme; to the utmost
1. 他極其自負。
He has an enormous/inflated ego.
2. 那輛小汽車極其豪華。
The car is the ultimate in luxury.
3. 給人極其惡劣的印象
make an extremely bad impression
4. 保持極其清醒的頭腦
keep a most clear/cool head
5. 極其深刻的教訓
most profound lesson
6. 極其艱鉅的任務
most arduous task
7. 極其罕見的珍品
greatest rarity
8. 極其重視
attach great importance (to)
9. 極其友好
be friendly in the extreme
10. 極其幸福
be in exuberant happiness
11. 極其完美
reach the acme of perfection
12. 極其痛苦
be extremely painful; be in an extremity of pain
13. 極其膽怯/有用
be excessively timid/useful
14. 極其不安/震驚
be profoundly disturbed/shocked; be disturbed/shocked to the utmost