一個半小時的英文 一個半小時用英語怎麼說?
an hour and a half
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我坐在座位上聽他瞎扯了至少一個半小時。
I sat in my pew and heard him prate on for at least an hour and a half.
2. 陪審團用了一個半小時的時間來確定麥克佛桑有罪。
The jury took an hour and a half to find McPherson guilty.
3. 考試持續了一個半小時。
The exam lasted an hour and a half.
4. 小礦車在稍停一個半小時後返回。
The train comes to a halt half an hour later.
5. 從北京飛到上海需要一個半小時。
It will take ten to twelve hours to drive from Beijing to Shanghai.
6. 然後,可能一個半小時後再回來吧。
And then, perhaps come back in half an hour.
7. A:這次參觀大概需要一個半小時。
A: The tour should last about an hour and a half .
8. 一個半小時後將有一場流星雨。
There will be a scene of stars shower after an hour and half.
9. 他要花一個半小時來觀察一個小時。
It takes him an-hour-and-a-half to watch \60minutes\.
10. 你的展示預定在一個半小時之後開始.
Your demo is scheduled to start in an hour and a half.
an hour and a half