興旺的英文 興旺用英語怎麼說?
prosperous adj.成功的;富足的;興旺的;帶來成功的
flourishing adj.繁榮的;盛行的;繁茂的
thriving adj.興旺的;旺盛的;繁榮的
常用 權威
1. 興旺發達
prosperous and developed; flourishing; thriving
2. 國家興旺
prosperous nation
3. 槽頭興旺
manger full of sturdy livestock
4. 六畜興旺
six domestic animals are all thriving―prosperous country life
5. 人丁興旺
have a growing family/flourishing population
6. 興旺的事業
prosperous cause
7. 一片興旺景象
a scene of prosperity
8. 繁榮興旺的景象
scene of boom and prosperity
1. 穩定是國家興旺發達的基本。
Stability is the foundation upon which a country can flourish and grow.
2. 牧業興旺
Animal husbandry is flourishing with thriving herds of horses and cattle.
3. 戰爭的後果不會是繁榮興旺而是經濟的不景氣。
The aftermath of war cannot be a boom, but a depression instead.
4. 生意興旺起來了。
Business is becoming brisk. / Business is booming. / Trade is brisk.
5. 能和人類共存的動物必能興旺。
Animals that can cohabit with humans thrive.
6. 20世紀70年代的興旺時期。
The palmy days of the 1970s.
7. 一個沒有一絲不和跡象的興旺的家族。
A prosperous family who showed no signs of discord.
8. 對該公司的興旺打賭的人們。
Those taking a punt on the company's success.
9. 該國計劃透過和美國發展自由貿易而興旺發達。
The state plans to prosper from free trade with the United States.
10. 跑車業仍然很興旺。
The sports car industry is alive and well.
興旺,拼音xīng wàng,形容事業或經濟狀況昌盛發達,生機蓬勃。
形詞 prosperous; flourishing; thriving
1. 一片興旺景象
a scene of prosperity
2. 國家興旺
prosperous nation