委託的英文 委託用英語怎麼說?
trust n.信任;信賴;信託;財產信託;受託團體;商業信用;受託;期待;信託基金公司;信託履行協議
常用 權威
1. 委託人
truster; client; constituent; consigner; bailor; principal
2. 委託書
trust deed; certificate of entrustment; power of attorney; proxy; letter of authorization
3. 委託行
commission shop
4. 委託金
trust money
5. 銀行委託書
bank power of attorney
6. 委託商店
commission shop/house
7. 委託責任
fiduciary duty
8. 信匯委託書
mail transfer advice; MT advice
9. 公證委託書
letter of commitment
10. 調查委託書
rogatory letter
11. 書面委託
written commission
12. 委託合同
contract of authorization
13. 委託事項
14. 委託協議書
consignment agreement
15. 全權委託
entrust sb with full responsibility
16. 委託貸款
entrusted loan
17. 委託代理
agency by agreement
18. 委託銷售
sale on commission
19. 委託業務
commission business
20. 委託保證金
consignment guarantee money
1. 他觀察他的委託人的生活和習慣。
He observed his client's life and habits.
2. 它是受行業貿易出版物《QSR》委託出版的。
It was commissioned by QSR, an industry trade publication.
3. 我把我的財產委託給你照管。
I entrust you with the care of my property.
4. 校長委託我主持今天的會議。
The president asked me to chair today’s meeting on his behalf.
5. 今後本公司的有關法律事務,委託法律顧問辦理。
Hereafter, all legal matters concerning our company will be entrusted to our legal adviser.
6. 委託事務可以在懇求性囑託中說明。
A trust can be left in precatory words.
7. 他必須指明他希望委託哪家律師行。
He must indicate which of the firms he wishes to instruct.
8. 律師通知法庭他的委託人想提供證據。
The lawyer advised the court that his client wished to give evidence.
9. 我一進門就把委託人迅速打量了一番。
Stepping inside, I quickly assayed the clientele.
10. 根據委託人特殊要求度身制定的保險。
Insurance tailor-made to a client's specific requirements.
委託(英文:entrust),讀音為wěi tuō,漢語詞語,動詞。意思是把事情託付給別人或別的機構辦理。例句:張叔叔委託律師代理他打官司。 近義詞為囑託、寄託、託付,反義詞為拒絕。
動詞 entrust (sb with sth/sth to sb); trust
1. 今後本公司的有關法律事務,委託法律顧問辦理。
Hereafter, all legal matters concerning our company will be entrusted to our legal adviser.
2. 校長委託我主持今天的會議。
The president asked me to chair today's meeting on his behalf.
3. 我把我的財產委託給你照管。
I entrust you with the care of my property.
4. null
on-floor/off-floor order
5. 委託朋友照看孩子
entrust/consign one's child to a friend's care