塵土的英文 塵土用英語怎麼說?
dust n.灰塵;塵土;塵埃;除塵;撣塵;揩灰;粉;粉塵;塵霧;肉體
常用 權威
1. 打掃塵土
sweep up the dust
2. 塵土播揚
dust swirling here and there
3. 塵土飛揚
clouds of dust fly up; dust swirls in the air; a cloud of dust is raised; dust rises high in the air
1. 汽車飛馳而過,揚起一片塵土
The car raced past, leaving a trail/wake of dust.
2. 他從地上爬起來,拍去身上的塵土。
He picked himself up and dusted himself off.
3. 抽屜裡面塵土太多,拿出去磕打磕打。
Take the drawer out and knock the dust out of it.
4. 街上積了厚厚的一層塵土。
Dust lay thick in the streets.
5. 疾馳的汽車捲起一陣塵土。
The speeding car raised a cloud of dust behind it.
6. 我不在家的時候,傢俱上積了厚厚的一層塵土。
A thick coat/layer of dust collected on the furniture when I was away.
7. 風把最上層的鬆軟的塵土捲了回去。
The wind scrolled back the uppermost layer of loose dust.
8. 子彈砰砰砰地射進塵土地裡。
The bullets thudded into the dusty ground.
9. 可能下過零星小陣雨止住了塵土飛揚。
There may have been the odd light shower just to lay the dust.
10. 有股怪味兒——有點兒像塵土的味道。
There was this funny smell — sort of dusty like.
《塵土》又名《劣跡斑斑》(The Dirt),是由傑夫·特里梅因執導,阿曼達·阿德爾森、湯米·李、米克·馬爾斯等擔任編劇,機關槍凱利、艾琳·歐貝、道格拉斯·布斯等主演的音樂傳記電影,於2019年3月22日在Netflix上線。 該影片基於樂隊成員和作家Neil Strauss所著自傳《The Dirt: Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band》,講述了該重金屬樂隊在80年代的崛起的故事。
名詞 dust
1. 我不在家的時候,傢俱上積了厚厚的一層塵土。
A thick coat/layer of dust collected on the furniture when I was away.
2. 汽車飛馳而過,揚起一片塵土。
The car raced past, leaving a trail/wake of dust.
3. 街上積了厚厚的一層塵土。
Dust lay thick in the streets.
4. 塵土蔽日。
Dust rose to the sky./Clouds of dust obscured the sky.
5. 揚起塵土
throw up/raise a cloud of dust
6. 蒙滿塵土
be covered all over with dust
7. 拂去塵土
shake/flick off the dust
8. 打掃塵土
sweep up the dust
9. 擦淨塵土
wipe/clear the dust off sth