名叫的英文 名叫用英語怎麼說?
named adj.指定的;被指名的;命名的
clepe vt.命名為ˌ名叫
answer to the name of 名叫
by the name of 以…為名;名叫
hight adj.名叫…的
1. 我是一個因紐特男孩,名叫凱拉。
I am an Inuit boy named Kayla.
2. 春秋時期,有一位偉大的音樂家,名叫俞伯牙。
During the Spring and Autumn Period, there lived a great musician named Yu Boya.
3. 把生活中最熟悉的人名叫錯是一種常見的認知錯誤。
Misnaming the most familiar people in our life is a common cognitive (認知的) error.
4. 人們在橡樹嶺鎮發現了這隻名叫Pedals的熊。
The bear named Pedals was spotted in the town of Oak Ridge.
5. 這個6歲的女孩名叫魯比,住在路易斯安那州的新奧爾良。
The 6-year-old girl, Ruby, lived in New Orleans, Louisiana.
6. 因為一位名叫諾亞·韋伯斯特的語言學家開始了拼寫改革。
Because a linguist named Noah Webster started the reform in spelling.
7. 不久,另一位名叫西蒙的徒步旅行者也來到了他們的歇腳處。
Soon, they were joined on their perch (歇腳處) by another hiker named Simon.
8. 一位名叫多里·羅伯茨的老師決定做點什麼來改變這一制度。
One educator named Dori Roberts decided to do something to change this system.
9. 起初,這個名叫Gonzalez的部落成員非常不願意合作。
At first, the tribe member named Gonzalez was very reluctant to cooperate.
10. 一位名叫哥白尼的波蘭科學家最近說過這句話,但沒有人相信他。
A Polish (波蘭的) scientist named Copernicus had said this recently, but no one believed him.