不止的英文 不止用英語怎麼說?
exceed v.超過;勝過;優於;越出;超出
surpass v.超過;強過;勝過;卓越的;超常發揮;無與倫比的
常用 權威
1. 血流不止
keep bleeding;blood streams down copiously
2. 咳嗽不止
cough incessantly
3. 大笑不止
laugh your head off
4. 腹瀉不止
have persistent diarrhoea
5. 狂笑不止
burst out laughing boisterously
1. 我確實結婚了,但有不止兩個孩子。
I did get married, but had more than two children.
2. 中國冬天出現霧霾的原因不止三個。
China's haze in winter happens because of more than three causes.
3. 文字中的主題也可能不止一個。
There may also be more than one theme in the text.
4. 解決這個數學問題的方法不止兩種。
There are more than two ways to solve this maths problem .
5. 兇殺案中不止一個槍手。
There was more than one shooter in the killing.
6. 她不止40歲了吧。
She is probably over forty.
7. 病人呻吟不止。
The patient moaned ceaselessly.
8. 援軍離此地還有不止一天的路程。
The relieving force was more than a day's march away.
9. 她應該得到的不止是這些私下會晤。
She deserved better than these clandestine meetings.
10. 佛蒙特州有不止3/4的地方是林地。
Vermont is more than three quarters woodland.
拼音:bù zhǐ 辨析: 不只有連線性,不只是這樣,而且還那樣。
動詞 not stop
1. 大雨不止。
Heavy rain went on and on.
2. 生命不息,戰鬥不止
keep on fighting till death
3. 血流不止
keep bleeding
4. 咳嗽不止
cough incessantly
5. 大笑不止
laugh helplessly/uncontrollably
動詞 exceed; surpass
1. 她不止40歲了吧。
She is probably over forty.
2. 不止一次
more than once; not just once