今天傍晚的英文 今天傍晚用英語怎麼說?
this evening 今晚;今天晚上;這個晚上
常用 重點詞彙
1. 但是今天傍晚,他們沒有做作業。
But this evening, they are not doing their homework.
2. 今天傍晚6點發生了煤氣爆炸事故.
At 6 pm there was a serious gas explosion.
3. 今天傍晚,朝鮮發射了一枚新的導彈。
North Korea late today launching a new missile.
4. 今天傍晚他們會上演一場很好看的戲。
They are going to put on a very good play this evening.
5. 她將於今天傍晚到達,並準備住上幾天.
She will be arriving this evening and intends to stay for a few days.
6. 在選單上今天傍晚…
On the menu this evening…
7. 今天傍晚,我在當地的一個酒吧遇到了一個朋友.
This evening I met a friend at a local bar.
8. 今天傍晚聖雄甘地被一名印度教狂熱分子槍殺身亡.
Mahatma Gandhi was shot and killed this evening by a Hindu fanatic.
9. 今天傍晚稍早些的時候,我接到麥凱恩參議員一個特別親切的電話。
A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Sen. McCain.
10. 今天傍晚我們可以抵達山下,布林登叔叔道,但上山還要再花去一天的時間。
We can be at the mountain by evenfall, Uncle Brynden said, but the climb will take another day.
this evening