慶祝節日的英文 慶祝節日用英語怎麼說?
observe a holiday; observe 【celebrate】a festival
常用 重點詞彙
1. 唐朝的人們透過在河裡洗澡來慶祝節日。
People in the Tang Dynasty celebrated the festival by taking a bath in the river.
2. 全城都在慶祝節日,縱情歡樂。
The whole city indulged itself in holiday festivities, filled with pleasure and merrymaking.
3. 為慶祝節日,市內已粉刷一新。
The city has been painted up for festival celebrations.
4. 全城的人都跑出來慶祝節日。
The whole city rushed out to celebrate the festival.
5. 如今,我們主要使用陽曆來慶祝節日。
Today, we use the lunar calendar mainly for traditions and celebrations.
6. 這雜誌的特別號是為了慶祝
A special issue of the magazine was brought out to commemorate the occasion.
7. 最早為母親們慶祝節日是在古希臘的時候。
The first celebrations in honor of mothers were held in the spring in ancient Greece.
8. 不同地區的人們慶祝節日的方式也不盡相同。
Different places celebrate this holiday in different ways.
9. 一些地方以製作創意月餅的方式來慶祝節日。
Some places celebrate the festival by making creative mooncakes.
10. 人們慶祝節日是為了頌揚名人或是歌頌神靈。
Festivals can be held as an honor to famous people or to the gods.
observe a holiday; observe 【celebrate】a festival