到那裡的英文 到那裡用英語怎麼說?
thither adv.到(或向)那兒
thereunto adv.此外;又;再者
常用 重點詞彙
1. 到那裡要兩個小時。
It takes two hours to get there.
2. 我們究竟什麼時候才能到那裡?
Whenever shall we get there?
3. 我們到那裡時,大家都疲憊不堪、蓬頭垢面。
We got there, tired and bedraggled.
4. 從這裡往南有一個淺灘,到那裡大約有九英里。
There's a ford south of here, about nine miles yonder.
5. 涅槃也是要到那裡去找——心中。
Nibbana is also to be found there, in the mind.
6. 我還是孩子的時候經常到那裡去。
I used to go there frequently as a child.
7. 我們離這裡到那裡只有一步之遙。
We're all just one stitch away from here to there.
8. 他只到那裡去過一次,是在去年。
He had been to the village only once, the year before.
9. 你可以搭計程車或是公車到那裡。
You may take the taxi or bus to get there.
10. 我們到那裡時,他們已停止訂票。
When we arrived there, they had closed the books.
thither; thereunto