造成壓力的英文 造成壓力用英語怎麼說?
build-up of pressure
常用 重點詞彙
1. 短期乾旱對環境和人類都造成壓力。
Short-term droughts cause stress on both the environment and people.
2. 時間緊張不一定會造成壓力。
But deadlines don't automatically have to cause deadline stress.
3. 噪音也是造成壓力的一個因素.
Noise is a stress factor.
4. 間歇的發郵件可能會造成壓力。
Intermittent reinforcement can be a powerful thing.
5. 也對全球未來經濟前景造成壓力。
Recent pressures also reflect concerns about the global outlook.
6. 在確定城市裡哪些因素會最先造成壓力之前,先要試圖去了解城市地區精神健康的影響。
Working out what factors in a city cause the stress in the first place is the next step in trying to understand the mental health effects of urban areas.
7. 把辦公桌或書架上的垃圾清理掉,以免造成壓力或分心。安排的讓自己更加集中精力。
Rid your desk and shelves of clutter that can stress, distract, or overwhelm. Organize to focus better.
8. 確保你的約會請求不要給她造成壓力。
Make sure that your request for a date does not pressurize the person in any way.
9. 它們會造成子宮向下筋攣,使子宮對血管造成壓力從而起到止血作用。
And they make the uterus cramp down, they make it squeeze on those blood vessels to stop the bleeding.
10. 這些工作組說進行篩查會對婦女造成壓力。
These task forces say going through screening is stressful for women.
build-up of pressure