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請找史密斯先生接電話好嗎?Can [Could] I speak to Mr Smith, please? 請找史密斯先生接電話好嗎?Is Mr Smith in? 史密斯先生在家嗎?Is Mr Smith there? 史密斯先生在那兒嗎? 2. 詢問對方姓名的常用套語:Is that Mr Green (speaking)? 你是格林先生嗎?Is that you, Mr Green? 你是格林先生嗎?Is Mr Green there? 你是格林先生嗎?Who’s that (speaking), please? 請問你是哪位?Who’s speaking, please? 請問你是哪位?Who’s (it) calling, please? 請問你是哪位?Who am I speaking to? 你是哪位?May I have your name? 你是哪位?May I ask who’s calling? 請問你是哪位?What’s your name, please? 請問貴姓?3. 告訴對方自己的姓名(以 Mary為例):This is Mary (speaking). 我是瑪麗。Mary speaking. 我是瑪麗。(This is) Mary here. 我是瑪麗。4. 叫對方等一下(不掛斷電話)的常用套語:Just a minute, please. 請等一下。One moment, please. 請等一下。Don’t hang up, please. 請不要掛斷。Hang on, please. 請等一下。Hang on a moment, please. 請等一下。Hold on a second, please. 請等一下。Hold the line, please. 請等一下。Just hang on a minute, please. 請稍等一下。5. 帶(留)口信的常用套語:May I take a message for you? 我可以給你帶個口信嗎?Could you take a message for me, please? 請給我帶個口信嗎?Would you like to leave a message? 你要留個口信嗎?May I leave a message? 我可以留個口信嗎?6. 告訴別人有電話找他(她)的常用套語:A long-distance for you. 你有長途電話。A phone call for you. 你有電話。There’s a phone call for you. 你有電話。You are wanted on the phone. 你有電話。Someone wants you on the phone. 你有電話。[1][2]下一頁 說明:引用此文請註明出處,並請保留該文章鏈接地址,謝謝~~7. 其他套語:Your number, please. 請說你的電話號碼。The line is engaged. 電話佔線。I’ll put you through. 我給你轉過去。You’re through now. Please go ahead. 你的電話通了,請說吧。【交際指南】1. 我們用中文打電話,在開始打招呼時,有時可以連喊幾聲“喂,喂”,但用英語打電話,只需說一次 Hello 就夠了(儘管我們把 Hello 譯成中文是“喂”)。2. 接電話時,接在 Hello 之後,一般(但不一定)是先報自己姓名或電話號碼,以便讓對方知道你是誰。 如:Hello,......


以介紹自己開始電話: -- Hello, this is Peter,may I speak to Helena, please?


-- Could I have extension number 12? 請接分機12

諮詢: -- Good morning,this is Peter, I would like to enquire about .....

接到未接電話: -- May I ask who's calling, please? 請問是誰打的電話?

對方不在: -- May I leave a message? 我能留言嗎?

訂位: -- I'm calling to make a reservation;

-- I would like to make a reservation

要求對方說慢點: -- My English isn't very strong, could you please speak slowly?

電話結束: -- Thank you

-- Goodbye


口語對話,經常使用‘ could you’ ‘would you’ ‘please’ 比較客氣禮貌。



最常用:call sb.

ring sb.

make a phone call to sb.

不常用:call sb. up

give sb. a ring


call/ring sb up

Call/ring/phone sb

Give sb a call/ ring/bell

Take a call to sb


打電話: Is that Mr Liu?

接電話:Hello, who is that?



Posted by: liangchengqiqi at 2005-11-14 03:08

主題: 電話英語



1. I'm calling from a public phone, so I'll call her again. 我現在是打公用電話,我會再打給她。

2. I'm not at home now, so I'll call her around three o'clock again. 我現在不在家裡,三點左右我會再打給她。

3. May I use your phone? 我可以枘?牡緇壩靡幌侶穡?br />

4. Would you mind if I use your phone? 你不介意我用你的電話吧?

5. How do I get an outside line? 如何打外線?

解 析:

1. public phone 是公用電話, pay phone 也是(投幣式)公用電話;而公用電話亭則是telephone booth.

2. 在外打公用電話就表示無法讓對方回電,所以通常會再告知下次聯絡時間或方式。

3常 有時找不到公用電話, 必要時需向商家借用電話,或者在別人的公司借電話時可用以上幾句。

4. outside line 是“電話外線”,而extension 為電話(內線)分機。


1. I'm sorry I have the wrong number. 抱歉我打錯電話了。

2. Is this 02-2718-5398? 這裡是02-2718-5398嗎?

3. Sorry to have bothered you. 很抱歉打擾你了。

4. I'm sorry. I think I must have dialed the wrong number. 很抱歉。我想我一定是打錯電話了。

5. Could I check the number? Is it 2211-3344 我可以核對一下電話號碼嗎?是不是2211-3344?

解 析:

1. 打錯電話通常用:have the wrong number 表示

2. 區域號碼是 area code

3. 電話號碼的念法:02-2211-3224念成area code zero-two, two-two-one-one-three-two-two-four.

注:① 0 可念成 oh 或 zero

② 22 可念成 two-two 或 double two


1. It's nothing important. 沒什麼重要事。

2. It's nothing urgent. Thank you ,good-bye. 沒什麼要緊事,謝謝您,再見。

3. I'll call her again. 我會再打給她。

4. I'll call back later. 我稍後會再打來。

5. Please ask Miss Chen to call me back. 請陳小姐給我回電話。

6. Could you tell her to call Carol as soon as possible? 能不能請她儘快打電話給卡羅爾?

7. Ask her to call Caro......


打電話聊天Talking on the phone


Talking on the phone


call sb

give sb a call
