
General 更新 2025-03-13


Playing with fire 找死2. Pervert !變態、流氓3. Brag ! 吹牛4. Bullshit! 廢話5. Play dumb. 裝傻6. Shameless!無恥7. Fighting one's own.起內訌8. Lucky bastard! 狗屎運9. Crass.沒10. Wise up!別傻了11. I am dead. 死定了11. Don't play innocent!別裝蒜!12. You are dreaming.你做夢!13. Behave!安分點 !14. You're so lame!你真笨!15. That's rubbish!胡扯!16. No need!免了吧!17. Blood and gore.很噁心18. Go to hell.去死吧!19. Have some decency!正經點20. Make up your mind!乾脆點 21. Sober up!清醒點22. Don't run away!別想溜23. How low-class!真低級24. stingy bastard!小氣鬼25. Poser!耍大牌26. Nerd 書呆子27. Same difference半斤八兩28. You just don't appreciate it!不識擡舉29. How did it come to this!豈有此理30. No class!真沒水準 31. bitch婊子

. Go to hell. 去死吧。2. You’re a jerk! 你是個廢物/混球! 3. Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰? 4. I don’t want to see your face! 我不願再見到你! 5. Knock it off. 少來這一套。 6. Get out of my face. 從我面前消失! 7. Get lost.滾開! 8. Take a hike! 哪兒涼快哪兒歇著去吧。 9. You piss me off. 你氣死我了。 10. It’s none of your business. 關你屁事! 11. How dare you! 你敢! 12.Cut it out. 省省吧。 13. You have a lot of nerve. 臉皮真厚。 14. I’m fed up. 我厭倦了。 15. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 16. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我聽膩了你的廢話。 17. What were you thinking? 你腦子進水啊? 18. How can you say that? 你怎麼可以這樣說? 19. Who says? 誰說的? 20. That’s what you think! 那才是你腦子裡想的! 21. You are out of your mind. 你腦子有毛病! 22. Drop dead. 去死吧! 23. Don’t give me your shoot. 別跟我胡扯。 24. Nonsense! 鬼話! 25. You’re a pain in the ass. 你這討厭鬼。 26. You’re an asshole. 你這缺德鬼。 27. You asked for it. 你自找的。 28. Get over you......




去死,go to hell。 豬頭,Dumbo。 賤人,baggage。 神經病,neuropathy。 腦子瓦特,

The mind of Watt。腦殘, retarded。婊子,bitch。人渣,scumbag。騷貨, whore。

笨蛋,fool。 傻逼,shability。潑婦,rantipole。 過街老鼠,When a rat runs across the street。

人妖, transvestite。



滾開!——Get out !Beat it! Get lost!

死去吧!——Go to hell! Go to the devil!

死定了!—— Oh, hell's bells!

婊子養的!——You SOB (son of a bitch)!

該死的東西!— Damn you!

閉嘴!— Shut your Big mouth! Shut up!

混蛋!— Shit-head! Asshole!

該死的×××!(指人或物均可,目前此字已被浮濫使用)— Fucking + (名詞)!

胡說八道!— That's nonsense! / Baloney! / That's bullshit!

自作自受!—It serves you right!

畜生!— You beast!

狗屎!狗屁!— Shit! fart!

它媽的!—Oh, confound it!

你這該死的畜生!— You damned (disgusting) bastard!

白痴!— Idiot! You damned fool!

真噁心!— Disgusting!

你早死早好!— I'll see you in hell first!

你這個豬!— You pig!

天殺的!— God damn !

爛貨!婊子!—Bitch! Whore! / Slut! (針對女性)

偽君子!— You hypocrite!

馬屁精!— You ass licker (kisser)!

糟糕!真討厭!—What a mess!


fuck you 幹你!

you mother fucker 草泥馬的!

go fuck yourself! 玩兒蛋去吧!

you son of a bitch! 你這狗日的!

kiss my ass! 去死吧!

you shit head! 你這豬腦子!

you douchebag! 你這傻逼!

Asshole! 傻貨!


1. Stop complaining! 別發牢騷!

2. You make me sick! 你真讓我噁心!

3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎麼回事?

4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不應該那樣做!

5. You’re a jerk! 你是個廢物/混球!

6. Don’t talk to me like that! 別那樣和我說話!

7. Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰?

8. What’s your problem? 你怎麼回事啊?

9. I hate you! 我討厭你!

10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不願再見到你!

11. You’re crazy! 你瘋了!

12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你瘋了嗎?(美國人絕對常用!)

13. Don’t bother me. 別煩我。

14. Knock it off. 少來這一套。

15. Get out of my face. 從我面前消失!

16. Leave me alone. 走開。

17. Get lost.滾開

18. Take a hike! 哪兒涼快哪兒歇著去吧。

19. You pime off. 你氣死我了。

20. It’s none of your business. 關你屁事!

21. What’s the meaning of this? 這是什麼意思?

22. How dare you! 你敢!

23. Cut it out. 省省吧。

24. You stupid jerk! 你這蠢豬!25. You have a lot of nerve. 臉皮真厚。

26. I’m fed up. 我厭倦了。

27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!(李陽老師常用)

28. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我聽膩了你的廢話。

29. Shut up! 閉嘴!

30. What do you want? 你想怎麼樣?

31. Do you know what time it is? 你知道現在都幾點嗎?

32. What were you thinking? 你腦子進水啊?


1. Go to hell. 去死吧。

2. You’re a jerk! 你是個廢物/混球!

3. Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰?

4. I don’t want to see your face! 我不願再見到你!

5. Knock it off. 少來這一套。

6. Get out of my face. 從我面前消失!

7. Get lost.滾開!

8. Take a hike! 哪兒涼快哪兒歇著去吧。

9. You piss me off. 你氣死我了。

10. It’s none of your business. 關你屁事!

11. How dare you! 你敢!

12.Cut it out. 省省吧。

13. You have a lot of nerve. 臉皮真厚。

14. I’m fed up. 我厭倦了。

15. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!

16. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我聽膩了你的廢話。

17. What were you thinking? 你腦子進水啊?

18. How can you say that? 你怎麼可以這樣說?

19. Who says? 誰說的?

20. That’s what you think! 那才是你腦子裡想的!

21. You are out of your mind. 你腦子有毛病!

22. Drop dead. 去死吧!

23. Don’t give me your shoot. 別跟我胡扯。

24. Nonsense! 鬼話!

25. You’re a pain in the ass. 你這討厭鬼。

26. You’re an asshole. 你這缺德鬼。

27. You asked for it. 你自找的。

28. Get over yourself. 別自以為是。

29. You’re nothing to me. 你對我什麼都不是。

30. Get off my back. 少跟我羅嗦。

31. Give me a break. 饒了我吧。

32. Look at this mess! 看看這爛攤子!

33. Don’t nag me! 別在我面前嘮叨!

34. Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事!

35. You’ve gone too far! 你太過分了!

36. Can’t you do anything right? 成事不足,敗事有餘。

37. You’re impossible. 你真不可救藥。

38. We’re through.我們完了!

39. Don’t push me ! 別逼我!




比較常見 F u c k you, you son of a b i t c h! 發音哈: 發(4聲)q(4聲)!有喪呢法碧池(輕聲)!


son of a bitch
