
General 更新 2025-03-12


潑水節 Water-Splashing Day 或者Water-Splashing Festival



Songkran Festival


潑水節the Water-Sprinkling Festival of the Dai and some other minority


Water-Splashing Festival Of The Dais

The Dai is the biggest ethnic group in Yunnan Province, which is home to about half of China's 55 minority nationalities. Legend goes that in ancient times, the ancestors of the Dai people tried to find a place to settle down. They walked along rivers, from on place to another. At least, they found an oasis on the Tropic of Cancer. Since then they have had close relation with water.

That oasis today is known as Xishuang Banna, a beautiful place in the southern part of Yunnan Province. The area is subtropical, with plenty of rainfall. According to Chinese documents of the ninth century, the Dai had a fairly well developed agriculture. They used oxen and elephants to till the land, grew lots of rice and had an extensive irrigation system. But when referring to the Dai nationality, people think about water. The custom of water-splashing is an unforgettable experience to many tourists. An American tourist, who had no idea about the custom until he visited a Dai village, describes his experience this way:

"I was intrigued by the Dai people's custom of splashing water on one another. When a lovely, young Dai girl approached me with a pail of water, at first she dunked a small branch of leaves in the water, then touched me gently with the wet leaves. But shortly afterward, the fun began. At least for her! She and other Dai ladies threw entire buckets of water on unsuspecting me and everyone else who happened to be enjoying this ......


Water-splashing Festival is the most characteristics festival of the Dai ethnic . It is the New Year festival in Dai calendar in the period of June 6 to July 6。 It is said that there was a devil in Xishuangbanna many years ago, he is the public scourge. Devil's head rolled to here and there, where the fire broke out。 Only until girls held to it ,it will be put out. Girls shift every year and in very shift, the girl was given water to wash blood ,land on her feet, show gratitude and pay tribute. Devil's head was finally reduced to ashes, and people keep the habitude as a festival。 People worship Buddha on this day, girls welcome home for the Buddha as splashing water on them, and then water on each other to express good wish. At first they use hands and bowl, then later use pots and barrels, while singing songs。 During Water Splashing Festival, people paddle dragon boats , let rise, flying lights and perform a variety of recreational activities such as traditional song and dance show 。 潑水節是傣族最富民族特色的節日。潑水節是傣歷的新年,節期在六月六日至七月六日之間。相傳,西雙版納曾有一個混世魔王,為民害。魔王的頭顱,滾到那裡,那裡就起火,只有姑娘抱住它,才能熄滅。姑娘們輪流值班,一年換一次。每逢換班時,人們都給姑娘潑水,用以沖洗血跡,逢凶化吉,表演感激,並致敬意。魔王的頭終於化為灰燼,除舊佈新的潑水節也由此成為習俗。 潑水節這一天人們要拜佛,姑娘們用漂著鮮花的清水為佛洗塵,然後彼此潑水嬉戲,相互祝願。起初用手和碗潑水,後來便用盆和桶,邊潑邊歌。潑水節期間,還要舉行賽龍船、放高升、放飛燈等傳 統娛樂活動和各種歌舞晚會。


Accommodating,China,in full bloom with 56 national flower.Different regions and different nations have different holiday customs.Let us into the Dai Dai Water-splashing Festival understanding.

Water Festival from India,Brahmanism was a religious ceremony,followed by the absorption of Buddhism,by Myanmar to Yunnan Xishuangbanna.Songkran is the Dai Year,is the most important traditional festival of Dai.Songkran is held in the Dai Li in March,a total of three days,two days before sending the old,in which the first day,Dai language known as "Jimmy Day",the next day,Dai language called "angry day." The last day of orientation.
