求英語高手翻譯···儘量··· 多多益善。
Practice after class
1. Never offer to teach fish to swim.
2. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
3. The monks may run away, but the temple cannot run away with them.
4. And then I fell asleep and only woke at broad day.
5. His accent gave him away.
1. There was no lady about him. He was what the woman would call a manly man. That was why they liked him.
3. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Tom is really a luck dog.
4. They parted good friends.
5. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.
6. He was up to his neck in debt.他欠了很多債
1. 直譯
Phrases 成語;習語
*money politics 金錢政治
*cold war 冷戰
*black market 黑市
*pillar industry 支柱產業
*go into the red 虧空
*a wait-and-see attitude 觀望的態度
*the olive branch 和平
*ostrich policy 鴕鳥政策
Sentences 句子
*Easier said than done.說來容易做起來難
*Strike the iron while it is hot.趁熱打鐵
*They were only crocodile tears at the old man’s funeral because nobody had really liked him.
2. 意譯
*cash crops 經濟作物
*technical know-how 技術工藝知識
*small profits but quick returns 薄利多銷
*as timid as a hare 膽小如鼠
*a land of honey and milk 魚米之鄉
*to look for needle in a haystack 大海撈針
*castle in the air 白日做夢
*to talk shop all the time 三句不離本行
*to sit on thorns 坐立不安
*a white elephant 廢物
*to laugh off one’s head 笑掉大牙
*the apple of one’s eye 掌上明珠
*between the devil and the deep blue sea 進退維谷
*carry coals to Newcastle 白費力氣
*the seven ......
play music
turn on the music
come enjoy some music