What key can run itself?
——Monkey. (猴)
2.What is the most difficult key to turn?
——Donkey. (驢)
3.My name start with a C and end with an L. I live in the desert, a hard place to live. I can carry people and their goods .
What am I?
——Camel. (駱駝)
4.What animal wears big black glasses on its face?
什麼動物臉上戴個大墨鏡? (Panda 熊貓)
5.I'm almost white, but the fur of my ears, eye pits are black. I live in the wild forests,I like eating bamboos! Who am I ?
我幾乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窩是黑的。我生活在森林裡,喜歡吃竹子。我是誰? (Panda 熊貓)
6.a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isn't a cat?
(Tiger 老虎)
7.What animal wears big black glasses on its face?
什麼動物臉上戴個大墨鏡? (Panda 熊貓)
8.I'm almost white, but the fur of my ears, eye pits are black. I live in the wild forests,I like eating bamboos! Who am I ?
我幾乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窩是黑的。我生活在森林裡,喜歡吃竹子。我是誰? (Panda 熊貓
1. What will you break once you say it? (什麼東西一說出來就打破?)
2. Will liars be honest after they die? (騙子死了之後會誠實嗎?)
3. What always goes up and never goes down? (什麼東西只升不降?)
4. Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩為什麼讓他的狗坐在陽光下?)
5. Why can a bride hide nothing?(為什麼新娘子什麼也藏不住?)
1. Silence. (沉默)
2. No, they won’t. They lie still after they die。(不會,他們依舊撒謊。Lie still 躺著不動,依舊撒謊。)
3. Your age. (你的年齡)
4. He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一條熱狗。)
5. Because someone will give her away. (因為有人會揭發她。Give away 揭發,在婚禮上把新娘交給新郎)
1. What is clean when it is black and dirty when it is white?
2. What has a round face and two thin hands, one hand short, one hand long?
3. What is big and bright during the day and we can’t see it at night?
4. I am small. I can fly. I like singing in the sky. What am I?
5. Which letter is a drink?
6. Which letter is around an island?
7. Which letter is an animal?
8. Which letter is a kind of vegetable?
9. Which is the longest English word? Why?
10. Which letter is a question?
11. Which letter is a part of your face?
12. I am very big and heavy. I have a long nose and big ears. What am I ?
13. I am the tallest animal in the world. What am I ?
14. I live in the sea. I am the biggest animal in the sea. What am I ?
15. What do you call your father’s father’s only son?
16. What is the biggest ant in the world?
17. What is in the middle of the world?
18. What do you call your father-in-law's only child's mother-in-law?
19. What is the smallest room in the world?
20. Teachers write on me with chalk. I can’t talk. What am I ?
21. You have it. You read it. There are some words and pictures on it. What is it?
22. Sometimes it looks like a boat. Sometimes it looks like a small white sun. What is it?
23. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
24. What goes around the world but stays in a corner?
25. Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am ......
Why is the river rich? Because it has two banks.