
General 更新 2025-02-04


The elephant is the elephant trunk w恭th it drink some water?


The elephant is drinking water with its trunk



Elephant, elephant ears, ivory, elephant legs


Elephant, elephant ears, ivory, elephant legs



Elephant Trunk Hill originally named Li River, located in the Guangxi District of Guilin in the Peach Blossom River and the Lijiang River confluence, the mountain looks for a station in the extended nose booze Lijiang river oasis of the elephant and the name, known as the symbol of Guilin Scenery.

Xiangshan is known to the magic. The first is the spirit like magic, Bi, followed by creating a round water moon in the nose between the legs, constitute the "Xiangshan water" phenomenon. Therefore, elephant trunk hill is the Guilin city emblem mountain, is the symbol of Guilin tourism mountain, it is located in the Lijiang River and peach blossom river at the confluence of Guilin downtown, the shape of a head of elephant nose into the Lijiang River water, between the elephant trunk and the legs are round hole area of about one hundred and fifty square meters, the river Chuandong and, as the moon floating. Located on the west coast of Xiangshan water and the Lijiang River on the east coast rock relative wear, a hanging in the day, a floating in the water, the formation of "Lijiang River bimonthly strange landscape".


蘆笛巖英文簡介Ludi Yan

(Reed Flute Cave)

Described as "Art Palace of Nature", the stalagmite and stone flowers of grotesque shapes in the caves create breathtaking spectacles which are really a feast for the eyes. Half way up the Brightness Hill, Reed Flute Cave is seven kilometers northwest of the center of Guilin. There used to be a special kind of reed growing outside of the cave which was an ideal material for making flute. Inside the U-shaped Karst cave are a large number of stalactites, stalagmites, stone pillars, stone curtains, and stone flowers, all glistening in colorful lights. In a distance of 500 meter between the entrance and the exit, there are more than 30 interesting sights, including " Pine in the Snow", "Mushroom Hill","Virgin Forest"… The Reed Flute Cave is justifiably called the " Art Palace of Nature".

疊彩山英文簡介Diecai Park

( Hill of Folded Brocade)

It earned its name due to the fact that its fault layers look like pieces of piled brocades. Standing on the top of the hill, you will get a panoramic view of the city.

伏波山英文簡介Fubo Shan

(Whirlpool Hill)

Standing magnificently on the side of the river, this hill is so called because it serves to stem the torrents coming down the surrounding higher ground in summer, thus forming whirlpools. At its foot is Huan Zhu Dong ( Returned Pearl Cave).


七星公園英文簡介Seven Star Park

East of the Li Rive......


Lijiang River in Guilin is located in the southeast in the West Bank, Hill stood by like a stretched nose toper Lijiang River Ganquan named as the giant. Cheung Pei Shan Guilin landscape is representative of the symbol of Guilin City, Guangxi, Guilin, as well as many local products as a marker in Xiangshan. Cheung Pei Shan altitude of 200 meters, 55 meters above the surface, 108 meters long and 100 meters wide. Mountain area of 1.3 hectares, which is 3.6 billion years ago from the seabed sediment, composed of pure limestone. Formerly known as Cheung Pei Shan Li Shan, also known as Miriam Hill, Shen Shui-shan, or xiangshan. Built in 1986, according to Cheung Pei Shan Cheung Shan Park, the park as the main body to Cheung Pei Shan, there are "Xiangshan Moon Water", Antique Building Yunfeng Temple, Love Island, the Ming Dynasty landscape architecture, such as Samantabhadra Tower, Cheung Pei Shan is focused Guilin tourist attractions. Shu Qing Shu doctor and Industry in the "mind xiangshan" wrote: Guangdong, with the odd hill, the hills in western Guangdong odd stone, and the provincial capital as the opposite, then another of its very odd. Comrade Yang Shangkun late leader, said: "In the Cheung Pei Shan photo before, only been to Guilin, which is a unique landscape." Saying: Guilin tour started from the Xiangshan Park.




阿凡提,又譯阿方提,(維語“先生”的意思,阿拉伯文:جحا (朱哈) 或 نصر دين (納塞爾·丁) ),是一位活躍在西起摩洛哥、東到中國新疆伊斯蘭諸民族中的人物,他普渡窮苦人民、阻止權貴剝削窮苦人民、阻止蒙古繼續西進,通效真理,兼顧數家學問,人不能及。一是神學:日星象緯,占卜八卦,預算世故,十分精確;二是兵學(曾經率軍大破蒙古西征軍,使蒙古不再西進),六韜三略,變化無窮,佈陣行軍,鬼神莫測;三是遊學,廣記多聞,明理審勢,出口成章,萬人難當;四是出世學,修身養性,祛病延壽,學究精深,長於持身養性,精於心理揣摩,深明剛柔之勢,通曉縱橫捭闔之術,獨具通天之智。





A a 發音時,口腔半開,舌位半低,舌尖抵住下齒背,嘴脣展開,保持不變。軟齶和小舌上升,關閉鼻腔通路,氣流從口腔緩緩流出。聲帶振動。和維吾爾文字母e相似。如:

ad 廣告 am 是 an 一個 as 作為 at 在 ax 斧子 ant 螞蟻 cat 貓 fan 扇子 van 搬運車 sad 傷心的 wax 蠟

B b雙脣緊閉,軟齶和小舌上升,氣流到達雙脣後,從突然鬆開的雙脣爆破而出形成此音。聲帶稍振動。和維吾爾文字母ب相似。漢語中的b是不振動聲帶的。

C c 舌面後部擡起抵住軟齶,然後突然放開,氣流爆發而出形成此音。聲帶不振動,送氣。和維吾爾文字母ك相似。

D d 發音時,軟齶和小舌上升,舌尖抵住上齒齦,然後突然放開,使氣流爆發而出產生此音。聲帶振動。和維吾爾文字母د相似。漢語中的d是不振動聲帶的。

E e 發音時,口略開,但比發a音時稍小些。舌尖抵下齒背,嘴脣展開,保持不變。這個音和維吾爾文字母é相似。

Ed 埃德 eff 字母f egg 雞蛋 ell 字母l em 字母m en 字母n ess 字母s ex 前一任的 red 紅的 yes 是的

F f 發音時,下齒向上門齒靠攏形成縫隙,軟齶和小舌上升,氣流從脣齒形成的縫隙中摩擦而出產生此音。聲帶不振動。和維吾爾文字母f相似。

G g 它的發音部位和發音方法和c相同,區別是:這個音發音時聲帶振動,不送氣,和維吾爾語字母گ相似。漢語中的g發音時不振動聲帶。

H h 雙脣微微張開,舌後部平放於口腔中,氣流經過聲門摩擦,由口腔而出,聲帶不振動。漢語中的h發音時,舌根要往上擡,接近軟齶,氣流要從舌後部和軟齶之間摩擦而出。

I i ......
