聰明的英文 聰明用英語怎麼說?
bright adj.明亮的;發亮光的;清晰嘹亮的;聰明的;機靈的;歡快的;充滿幸福的
smart adj.整潔的;衣著得體的;聰明的;迅速的;輕快的;漂亮的;時髦的;表面光亮的;新的
intelligent adj.有智力的;有才智的;智慧的
clever adj.聰明的;伶俐的;健壯的;健康的;靈巧的;機敏的;熟練的;有才能的;明智的
brainy adj.有頭腦的;明智的;聰明的
常用 權威 詞彙拓展
1. 聰明反被聰明誤
clever people may fall victim to their own cleverness; a wise man can be ruined by his own wisdom; cleverness may overreach itself; too clever to be wise
2. 頭腦聰明
have a brilliant mind
3. 聰明絕倫
incomparably intelligent
4. 聰明能幹
be bright and capable
5. 絕頂聰明
extremely clever
6. 聰明不過
exceedingly clever; most brilliant
7. 聰明亮達
smart and sensible
8. 耍小聰明
play petty tricks
9. 靠小聰明混日子
live by one's wits
10. 自作聰明的人
a smarty pants
11. 聰明的男孩兒
bright boy
12. 聰明一世,糊塗一時
clever all one's life, but stupid this once; smart as a rule, but this time a fool; a lifetime of cleverness can be interrupted by moments of stupidity
13. 小事聰明,大事糊塗
clever in minor affairs but confused about major ones; penny wise but pound foolish
1. 如果你足夠聰明,你會同意我的。
If you were smarter, you'd agree with me.
2. 早睡早起使人健康、富有、聰明。
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
3. 他被認為是世界上最聰明的人之一。
He was regarded as one of the most intelligent men in the world.
4. 聾啞孩子和其他人一樣聰明。
Deaf kids are just as smart as anyone else.
5. 天生聰明的學生通常有更強的求知慾。
Students born smart often have stronger intellectual curiosity.
6. 海豚很聰明,在某些方面和人類很像。
Dolphins are smart and are like humans in some ways.
7. 你們以自己的方式行事,既聰明又能幹。
You are both wise and able in your own ways.
8. 愛麗絲是一個聰明的女孩。
Alice is a clever girl.
9. 他們和其他孩子一樣聰明。
They are as intelligent as other children.
10. 其次,他們大多聰明,且受過良好教育。
Second, they are mostly bright and well-educated.
聰明,漢語詞彙。 拼音cōng ming 褒義詞。是用來表達對待某事某物有著好的想法和正確的邏輯,一般是用來讚美的詞語。也可以形容某物有著某種與人類智慧共通之處,有著某種靈性,某種生命力。
形詞 having good ears and eyes; having keen eyesight and a sharp sense of hearing
1. 耳目聰明
have good ears and eyes; have keen eyesight and a sharp sense of hearing
形詞 bright; smart; intelligent; clever; brainy
1. 只工作,不玩耍,聰明孩子也變傻。
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
2. 聰明的回答
wise/clever answer
3. 充分發揮聰明才智
display to the full one's talent and wisdom; give full play to one's wisdom and intelligence
4. 事後聰明
be wise after the event; hindsight; afterwit
5. 聰明能幹
be bright and capable
6. 聰明伶俐
be clever and sensible; be bright and quick-witted
7. 聰明好學
be intelligent and fond of learning
8. 聰明絕頂
be clever to an extreme; be extremely clever/intelligent