緊張的英文 緊張用英語怎麼說?
nervous adj.神經質的;神經緊張的;情緒不安的;與神經有關的;影響神經的;不安的;焦慮的;緊張造成的
uneasy adj.擔心的;憂慮的;不安的
anxious adj.焦慮的;緊張的;不安的;渴望的;令人擔憂的
tense adj.拉緊的;繃緊的;緊張的;引起緊張的;緊的
neurotic adj.神經機能病的;神經(官能)症的;神經質的;神經過敏的;易激動的
intense adj.高度的;強烈的;劇烈的;極度的;感情強烈的;極其熱切的;極端認真的;高度集中的;濃的
strained adj.疲憊的;疲勞的;神經緊張的;濾過的;緊張的;不寬鬆的;強裝的;不自然的;牽強附會的
tight adj.緊的;牢固的;不鬆動的;拉緊的;繃緊的;過於狹小的;無迴旋餘地的;醉醺醺的;緊密的;吝嗇的
in short supply 供應不足, 缺乏, 供應匱乏
常用 權威
1. 神經緊張
be nervous; be all nerves
2. 緊張局勢
3. 精神緊張
be nervous
4. 緊張性口吃
nervous stammer
5. 關係緊張
be at daggers (with)
6. 故作緊張
play nervous
7. 心理緊張
psychological stress; mental strain
8. 非常緊張
extremely nervous
9. 容易緊張
be apt to fidget
10. 時間緊張
be pressed for time
11. 祛除緊張心情
relieve tension
12. 緊張的學習
tough study
13. 製造緊張空氣
create a tense atmosphere
14. 緊張的局勢
tense situation; tension
15. 顯得有點緊張
exhibit a slight nervousness
16. 製造緊張局勢
create tension;create tension
17. 緩和緊張局勢
relax the tension
18. 緊張的勞動
strenuous labour
19. 掩飾緊張的情緒
cover up one's nervousness
20. 緊張的種族關係
racial tension
1. 我擔心我會在舞臺上緊張得僵住。
I'm worried I'll get nervous and freeze on stage.
2. 我緊張得幾乎分辨不出哪邊是左。
I was so nervous that I could hardly tell which direction was left.
3. 它使用治療動物來安撫緊張的乘客。
It uses therapy animals to soothe nervous passengers.
4. 傑森慢慢抬起頭,緊張地環顧四周。
Jason slowly lifted his head and nervously looked around.
5. 旨在緩解國際貿易的緊張局勢。
Aims to ease international trade tensions.
6. 在來到這裡之前,我有點緊張。
I was a bit nervous before I arrived here.
7. 我不介意和我兄弟關係緊張。
I didn't mind having a tense relationship with my brother.
8. 國家面臨緊張局勢是正常的。
It's normal for countries to face tension.
9. 與陌生人面對面交談會讓他們感到緊張。
Speaking to new people face to face can make them feel nervous.
10. 緊張的演講者很容易只專注於完成演講。
It is easy for nervous speakers to focus only on getting through the presentation.
形詞 nervous; uneasy; anxious; tense; neurotic; keyed-up
1. 一想到考試我就緊張。
The thought of the examination gives me palpitations.
2. 別緊張!
Don't be nervous!
3. 因某事而緊張
feel/get nervous about/at sth
4. 神情緊張
look uneasy/nervous
5. 克服/消除緊張情緒
overcome/allay one's nervousness
形詞 tense; intense; strained
1. 氣氛越來越緊張。
Tensions are building up.
2. 兩國關係十分緊張。
Tensions are high/running high between the two countries. / Relations between the two countries became severely strained.
3. 城裡也緊張起來。
Tension also rose in the city.
4. 緊張的種族關係
racial tension
5. 緊張的外交活動
intensive diplomacy
6. 緊張的學習
tough study
7. 緊張的談判
intense/tense negotiation
8. 緊張的氣氛
tense atmosphere; air of tension; highly charged atmosphere
9. 緊張的勞動
strenuous labour
形詞 tight; in short supply
1. 資金週轉緊張。
There is a strain on capital liquidity.
2. 供應緊張。
Supplies are tight.
3. 手頭緊張
be hard up; be short of/pressed for money
4. 時間緊張
be pressed for time
5. 供貨/人手/資金緊張
be short of supply/hands/funds